
发布 2020-07-20 23:11:28 阅读 4785


一、 在下列每组单词画线部分发音中,有一个发音与其他三个不同,请选出不同的那个并将字母标号填入题前括号内。(每小题2分,共计10分)

)1. a. pass b. exam c. practice d. cat

)2. a. good b. food c. too d. room

)3. a. bread b. head c. he**y d. clean

)4. a. english b. shine c. young d. singer

)5. a. hero b. he c. shed. wet


)1. where are __

a. the teachers’ rooms b. the teacher’s room

c. the room of the teachers d. the teachers’s room

)2.——are these your rulers?

—noaren’tare there.

a. they, their b. their, us

c. they, ours d. them, our

)3.——is she your mother ?

a. yes, she isb. no,she is

c. yes, she wasd. yes, she isn’t

)4. don’t h**e___ice-cream, it’s bad for you health

a. too many b. few c. little d. too much

)5is the blouse? _knows?

a. whose, who b. who, who’s

c. who’s, whose d. whose, who’s

)6. there is __t” anda” in __word “thank

a. a, the, an b. a, an, the

the, a d. an, a, the

)7. mary was born___april 5,2001, and her elder brother was born___june, 1999

a. on, on b. in, on

c. in, ind. on, in

)8. jim usually___dinner with his parents at six thirty. now he___dinner himself.

a. has, is h**ing b. h**e, has

c. is h**ing, has d. h**ing h**e

)9. —would you like __please?

yes, thank you

a. any cakes b. some cakes c. some cake d. any cake

)10. there __a tv set and four sofas in the sitting room?

a. be b. are c. is d. being









1. this is not a new watch. (改为同义句)

this iswatch.

2. it’s windy there. (对画线部分提问)

___the __here?

3. he wants to be a policeman because he thinks it’s an exciting job.


he __to be a policeman?

4. the calf doesn’t like him. (改为复数句子)

thelike __


1. 初中2. 弹钢琴。

3. a famous actress4. hot and dry___

5. 看上去像。

6. 中国是一个伟大的国家。

7. people ate round dumplings to bring good luck

8. 你对鲸鱼感兴趣吗。

9. rainwater flows in the soil,rivers and lakes


6、阅读理解, 根据短文内容选择最佳答案,并将每小题字母标号填入题前括号内。(每题2分,共计10分)

in a small village, there is a teacher, a doctor, a driver and a policeman. they are all good friends. what are their names?

one is mike, one is jack, one is tom and the other is john. mike’s, jack’s and tom’s children are classmates. john has not any children.

he teaches his friends’ children at school. mike has many hens and he gives the driver and the doctor eggs. jack’s child goes to school to the doctor’s house.

the doctor’s is behind jack’s.

)1. the four people live in a small

a. factoryb. schoolc. villaged. park

)2. are all the four people good friends?

a. yes, they areb. no, they aren’ no, two of them are.

d. no, three of them are

)3. john is __mike isand tom is __

a. a doctor, a policeman, a driver. b. a teacher, a policeman, a doctor.

c. a policeman, a teacher, a driver. d. a driver, a doctor, a teacher.

)4. which is right?__

a. jack’s house is behind the doctor’s

b. jack gives his friends eggs.

c. some of their children are in the same class.

d. john hasn’t any children..

)5. jack’s child goes to school to___

a. mike’s the teacher’s the doctor’s house.

d. john’s house

七、完形填空, 请选择最佳答案并将每小题字母标号填入题前括号内。(每空1分,共计20分)

in england,people often talk 1 the weather because they can experience (经历) four 2 in one day. in the morning the weather is 3 like in spring. an hour later 4 clouds come, and then it rains hard.

in the afternoon the sky will be clear(晴朗), 5 will begin to shine, and it will be 6 at this time of the day.


延庆县张山营中心小学小学英语毕业考试笔试试卷。学校班级姓名。第一部分听力理解 30分 一 听对话。根据所听到内容选择相应的 在 胖的方框内打 每组对话读两遍。每小题2分,共12分 abcabcabc abcabc abc二 看 听短文。根据所听到内容将人物和 连线 有一幅 是多余的 短文读三遍。每小...


同学们,经过半学期的学习,你一定掌握了不少英语知识吧!下面就来检测一下你自己吧。请同学们仔细审题,认真答题。相信你一定会很棒!一 按要求写出下列单词 10 teeth 单数teach 过去式 lie 现在分词light 反义词 wash 单三形式buy 过去式 lose 反义词fast 比较级 le...


读音选择。4分 mir g l n s b d m sk t sist bna n a.mirror b.mother c.skirt d.girl e.bird f.nurse g.sister h.banana 请给单词或词组找到相应的 并在图下括号里标号。5分 读一读,找出不同类的词。8分 1...