
发布 2020-06-28 01:55:28 阅读 7242

our earth so cute, so easily broken, human beings are the best doctor, in order to s**e the planet on which human being rely, but also to s**e themselves, action, and to protect the environment together!

tell you a secret, in my home, mom and dad g**e me a nice name: environmental small guards. i tube can be miles wide range of environmental protection, home and eat, wear, use what i h**e tube, and the management in good order.

because i grew up in a family in environmental protection, often listen to the father and the father worked with uncles about environmental protection, make i learned some environmental aspects at home since i was a child, i often listen to father tell the story of environmental protection, he also often show me some pictures of environmental protection, when i saw the national level to protect animals antelope was shot and killed, peeled, and carrion lies on the vast grassland landscape, to the beh**ior of the killing of wild animals. i decided to no longer eat wild animals, and supervise all home and my friends don't eat national protected animal, eat from the forbidden to do some contribution for wildlife protection. supervision, mom and dad don't eat wild animals, more easy to do, brother elder sister can suffer.

my cousin and cousin big frog, especially love to eat fried green husk under my supervision, from last year to now, they didn't eat frogs, a green husk straight shouts no taste in the mouth.

in put on, father, mother and i decided not to buy, don't wear wild animal skins fur clothing, shoes, gloves, and we followed very well.







4 环保建议书。关健鑫。同学们 地球是人类的母亲,如果没有她,就没有我们人类,是地球,是她带给我们美好的生存环境和丰富的生活资源。那我们怎么能伤害她呢?我们身边有那么多人在不断地伤害她!大量使用塑料。袋,你想,一家大超市平均1分钟就会有10个人拎着塑料袋出来,那么10家1分钟会有100个人拎着塑料袋...


关于环保的作文小学生篇一我的家乡有一条护城河,以前护城河河水清澈见底,小鱼水在水里自由自在地游来游去。一天傍晚,我和妈妈来到护城河边散步,眼前的护城河使我们大吃一惊。护城河旁都是垃圾,有白色塑料袋 水果 吃剩的饭盒,这些垃圾引来许多老鼠 苍蝇。最恶心的就是垃圾堆里的死老鼠了,不时地散发出一阵阵臭味,...


环境与发展已成为当今世界最关注的热点问题之一,世界从来没有像今天这样把环境与发展问题看得如此重要。下面是有小学生关于环保的作文,欢迎参阅。小学生关于环保的作文范文1 环保,这代表了废物利用 垃圾分类 五水共治等很多方面。我作为未来 人的青少年,深刻的懂得我们人类共同的家园只有一个,那就是地球,我们破...