
发布 2020-06-24 19:14:28 阅读 6682

home is a warm words, a warm place. i believe that every classmate h**e a warm home. my home also is such, is the serious cautious father alive, tender and beautiful mom and i together.

my dad, the top of the square face, a head of black shiny hair, thick eyebrows below with a pair of eyes, high bridge of the nose more foil out of his culture. my father as my tutor, all assignments to please him, sometimes i met wisdom surfing math very hard, my mother and i don't use the standard equation solutions, one to ask dad, a few ****** formula has solved the problem easily. my father was a geek, home in the evening every day the first thing to do is open a computer.

but he's learning with a computer, don't like someone turned on the computer is pure to play games.

my mother, long brown hair perms beside the oval face, big eyes are so bright, i would h**e been she found all the little affectations. my mother not only looks affable, also special bright and broad minded, every time i quarrel with my sister, she will tell me the importance of friendship, let me and her sister and good, maybe i touched my sister, whenever the two of us quarrel, she will learn to me let us be friends.

this is my home, a warm home, a warm home, a family full of happiness. this is a story of a love knitting, reading the rest of my life, forever aftertaste, touched a lifetime.








篇一 我的家里有爸爸 妈妈和我。我的爸爸是教师,在家里有一副教师样,我的功课有什么不懂的就问他。他爱听 玩音响,我和妈妈常会被音响震耳欲聋的 声吵得心神不宁的。不过,有时他也会放一些很悠扬的乐曲,我很喜欢边听着轻 边做作业,别提多轻松了。我的妈妈是图书馆管理员。下班后,她总是辛勤的在干家务,为我们做...


导语 本文 一年级我的家庭作文 五篇 由我们小学生作文频道整理,仅供参考。如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享 感谢你的阅读与支持!篇一 我的家庭有四口人,弟弟很调皮,妈妈很爱买东西,爸爸喜欢帮助人,经常忘了吃饭。弟弟很调皮,但经常也很懂事,我的妈妈很偏心,我的弟弟动不动就哭,妈妈听见了,说 你再敢欺负他...


我的家庭一。幸福是多么美好呀!没有吵闹的家,没有怒愤的家,是充满爱的。即使是一个很普通的东西,也能让你看见爱的身影。比如一句关心的话,夏天里的一杯凉茶,冬天里的一碗热汤 我有一个爱我和爸爸的妈妈。她很勤劳,每天一大清早,大概5 50时,天刚蒙蒙亮,妈妈就开始给我们做早饭,等我们走后,妈妈就开始忙着打...