
发布 2020-04-28 08:40:28 阅读 7928

see how much you love me

the road to the end, who no longer for whom to wait, time dilute the memory, the wind took away everything. and his eyes and his face are my deepest memories.

looking at his step i two step pace, looking at his thin back, i tears, but dare not show in front of him. a person has walked the same road for more than 40 years, maybe he can finish the road with his eyes closed. the road might h**e been for him, that was all; and for me, this road left all his memories.

his face, back left countless sweat, and sweat from the emergence to fall he used more than 80 years, from the pride of the eagle to gray hair. in my heart, he is my f**orite person.

it is hard to imagine how he survived spring, summer, autumn and winter without me. but he has always believed that i will come back, he is like a child, sad and happy is very easy. but i just cant understand, and until now i just understand, his sad and happy from me, from the family...

he is to me, just a small part of my world; and i in him, but the whole world.








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