
发布 2020-04-11 00:12:28 阅读 7016

姓名 __班级___等级___

listening part 听力部分。

一、listen and number. 听录音,用数字标出**的序号。

二、 listen and match. 听录音,把人名和相应的句子连线。10分。

1. miss white a. we h**e math english and music on tuesday.

2. sarah b. i like chicken. it's tasty.

3. amy c. i like tofu.

4. bai ling d. she is tall. she's very young.

5. chen jie e. i often watch tv on saturday.

三、. listen and circle. 听录音,圈选出正确图形的字母标号a或b。

四、 listen and choose. 听录音,根据录音从abcd中选出正确的单词。

) 1. a. strict b. strong c. old d. young

) 2. a. math b. science c. art d. english

) 3. a. sunday b. tuesday c. wednesday d. friday

) 4. a. mutton b. potatoes c. cabbage d. onions

) 5. a. salty b. sour c. fresh d. tasty

reading and writing (读写部分)

五、 look and write. 根据汉字写出相应的英语单词。

1.my english teacher is very k . 和蔼的)

2.--what do h**e on wednesday?

---we h**e chinese and m . 数学)

3.we h**e and computer on t . 星期二)

4.b (牛肉) is my f**ourite food .

5.apples are s . 甜的)

六、 look and choose. 单项选择。10分。

( )1. i don't like grapes. they are __

a .sweet b. sour c. healthy

) 2. -what would you like for lunchi'd like some __

a. green beans b. green beanc. bean

) 3. what __you?

a. are b. about c. do

) 4. what do you __on saturdays?

a. is b. does c. do

) 5. -what do we h**e on mondayswe h**e

a. fridayb. sciencec. fruit

) 6. do you h**e a new teacher?

a. yes, i no, i don't. c. no, i do.

) 7your math teacher?

-- mr zhao.

a. what'sb. who's c. where's

) 8. -what's he likehe's

a. funny b. fun c. principal

) 9. -is she quiet

a. yes, she isn't. b. no, she is. c. no, she isn't.

) 10. what __is it today?

a. day b. today c. date


beef is the too salty .

my it is f**ourite .

like what she i s ?

your is that father ?

八.look and choose.读短文回答问题,把正确答案的序号填在前面的括号内。

hi! i'm d**id. i'm from willow school.

today is tuesday. we h**e math, chinese and computer. i like computer.

my computer teacher is very funny. he is very strong. i like him.

we h**e eggplant and fish for lunch on wednesdays. i don't like eggplant. potatoes are my f**ourite.

saturdays are my f**ourite days. i often play football on saturdays. of course, i do my homework too on saturdays.

what about you?

) 1. what day is it today?

a. tuesdayb. wednesday c. friday d. saturday

) 2. what do they h**e for lunch on wednesdays?

a. pork and rice b. tofu and green beans

c. eggplant and fishd. mutton and tomatoes

) 3. what is d**id's computer teacher like?

a. he is tall and thin. b. he's very funny. he is strong.

c. he is so he**y. d. he is active.

) 4. does d**id like his computer teacher?

a. yes, he doesb. no, he doesn't.

) 5. what does d**id do on saturdays?

a. he often plays computer games.

b. he often plays football and does homework.

c. he often watches tv and play ping-pong.

d. he often sings songs.



一。 listen and number. 听录音,用数字标出**的序号。10分。


2012 2013学年度上学期学业水平阶段检测。九年级语文参 一 卷面书写 4分 1.4分 本题视试卷书写规范 美观及卷面整洁情况酌情赋分。满分4分,最低1分。二 积累与运用 22分 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.d 6.1 呐喊 2 欧 亨利 3 原驰蜡象 4 只恐双溪舴艋舟 5 老夫聊发少年狂千骑...


1 父亲 爸爸。2 母亲 妈妈。3 外 祖父。4 外 祖母。5 有 吃 进行 活动 6 哥哥 弟弟。7 姐姐 妹妹。8 父亲 母亲。9 白色 白色的。10 头发。11 黑色 黑色的。12 伯父 叔父 姑父 姨父。13 姑母 姨母 伯母 舅母。14 堂 表 兄 弟 姐 妹 15 瘦的。16 工作。17...


不积跬步,无以至千里 不积小流,无以成江河。整理了小学五年级上册单元英语试卷 三套 希望对你有帮助!一 听音,根据你听到的对话,完成下面的调查表。subject family name thin short strong tall old young kind funny science miss ...