
发布 2020-03-27 09:13:28 阅读 8601

module1, unit1 .2测试题。

一、词组。me about

great walltoof



module2, unit1 .2测试题。

一、 写出下列单词的相应形式。

1. h**e has (单三) h**ing (现在分词) had (过去式汉语)有

2. go goes (单三) going (现在分词) went (过去式汉语)去。

dances (单三) dancing现在分词) danced (过去式) 跳舞 (汉语)

learns (单三) learning (现在分词) learned (过去式汉语)学习

5. see sees (单三) seeing (现在分词) saw过去式汉语)看到。

6. like likes (单三) liking (现在分词) liked过去式汉语)喜欢。



3.说英语4.与……不同 be different from 5.中国舞6.去图书馆7.去游泳。


1. yesterday i a big surprise.

a. h**e b. has c. had

a big chinatown in new york and we___there yesterday.

a. is, went b. was, went c. are, go

food was different chinese food in china.

a. to b. in c. from

4. we saw chinese in the streets.

a. dance b. dancedc. dancing

reallyto go to the great wall..

a. wantb. wantsc. wanted

6. a: where did you last sunday?

b: i to the park.

a. go, went goc. go, go

were lots of books america..

a. to b. about c. around

some books on the bed.

friend in china

a. wanted


1. did you h**e a good time? (否定回答)

he go swimming?(肯定回答)

module3, unit1 .2测试题。




1. what are you doing?

i’m my new stamps into my books.

c. puting

2. there are some stamps canada..

c. to3. h**e you got books in your bookshelf?

a. some b. any c. many

4. i h**en’t got chinese books.

a. some many

stamp is 1988.

a. a t c. on

6. stamps are from america..

c. that

7. i need to .

a computer.

got b. h**e got


1) these stamps are from england. (划线部分提问)

2) i’ve got a chinese stamp.

h**e you got a chinese stamp一般疑问句)

i h**en’t got a chinese stamp否定句)

what h**e you got划线部分提问)

3) h**e you got any toys?

肯定回答)4) h**e you got an english book?

否定回答)module 4, unit1 and unit2 测试题。

一、 写出下列单词,节日与月份对应。

1in november2june 1st)

day1st4december day9th)


1. can you tellabout american festivals?

b. i say thank you your help.

b. with

is very i n america.

b. super

is the 25tth of december.

b. in

presents and cards.

b. give,send

f**ourite festival thanksgiving .

b. are


\ a \ special \ we \ dinner\ ,

\ tell \you \ about \ festivals \ american\ me \

\ important \ a \ very \ festival \ dinner\ .


christmas is a very important western(西方的) festival . it is on the 25th of december. people decorate(装饰) their homes.

they send christmas cards to their relatives(亲戚) and friends , and they buy christmas trees to decorate their homes . they buy presents and put them under their christmas tree. some families open their presents on christmas eve(前夜) on christmas day.

there are lights in the streets and shops. every one gets together and has a large meal. they h**e a good time.


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