
发布 2020-03-05 10:16:28 阅读 2941


二、找出不同类的单词,并将序号写在括号内。(5分)( 1. a.

panda b. lion ) 2. a.

art b. bear c. pe( )3.

a. bottle b. three c.

box( )4. a. chinese b.

see c. music( )5. a.

seven b. six c. can三单项选择(24分)1 look at tigers.

a. there b. these c.

three d. tree2 is this? it is a where b.

what c. who d. how3 is the dog?

its in the where b. what c. who d.

how4 are you? im fine.

a. where b. what c.

who d. how5 is your father? hes a where b.

what c. who d. how

6 is he? hes my where b. what c. who d. how

7 its time go to bed. a. too b.

to c.不填8 its time to go school. a.

too b. to c.不填9 its time to go home.

a. too b. to c.

不填10 its time to go to park. a. the b.

不填11 its time to go to cinema. a. the b.

不填12 its time to go to school. a. the b.

不填13 its time to . good night. a.

go to school to bed

14 do you live? a. where b. what c. who15 how do you go to school? .

a. get in the car b. get off the car c.

by car16 may i some coke?a. has b.

h**e c. h**e got17 h**e a b. some c.

an18 h**e a b. some c. an19 h**e a b.

some c. an20 its cold. your coat.

a. put on b. take off c. look at21 its hot. your coat.

a. put on b. take off c.

look at22 what is it? its colour b. /c.

animal23 draw a bird the on b. under c. in24 winter is / b.

the c. an

四、根据提供的句子,选择正确的句子。(10分)( 1、我可以看到一只老虎,可以说:a.

i can see a lion. can see a tiger( )2、你想知道别人喜欢什么,可以问:a.

what do you like? b. what can you see?

( 3、我喜欢洋娃娃,可以说 like dolls can see a doll.( 4、你想知道铅笔在**,可以这样问:a.

id like a pencil b. wheres the pencil?( 5、你要去睡觉了,可以对妈妈说:

a. goodbye! b.

good night!


1. what do you h**e我想要一件夹克衫。2.

id like a jacket你有什么?3. where is the plane.

有一个盒子。4. there is a box.

你喜欢春天吗?5. do you like spring?

飞机在**?六、看图连线(10分)1. jeep2 .

yo-yo3. plane4. monkey.

5. a doll


如:a puppet

)a书包(radic;)b木偶a shirt

1. (a连衣裙( )b男式衬衫maths

2.( a数学( )b英语a bottle

3.( a瓶子( )b盒子。

a bed4.( a电视机( )b床on

5.( a在上面( )b在里面。

八、连线,请把相应的句子用直线连起来(5分) i help you? in the many pens? b.

id like a do you like? like you like winter? the apple?

i dont.


spring do like dont summer whatado you like, mike?

b: iyou likesummer, too?

a: no, ii likeitsgreen.




一 听录音,将你所听到的单词所对应的 的字母填入题前括号内,每题念三遍。2分 题共30分 1.a.dog b.cat c.bird d.tiger 2.a.bag b.book c.pen d pencil 3.a.cake b.kite c.hat d.monster 4.a.school b.c...


篇一 一 形近字组词。喝 复 酒 掩 唾 渴 夏 洒 淹 垂 二 在括号里填上合适的字。口 声 气十足 嘴 舌。左 右 不 而同 喜 望 三 反义词连线。开始 特别 清澈 经常 仔细 迅速 骄傲 安静 稚拙。浑浊 结束 平常 缓慢 偶尔 马虎 成熟 谦虚 热闹。四 给句子中画横线的字选择正确的解释。...


导读 本文。篇一 一 形近字组词。喝 复 酒 掩 唾 渴 夏 洒 淹 垂 二 在括号里填上合适的字。口 声 气十足 嘴 舌。左 右 不 而同 喜 望 三 反义词连线。开始 特别 清澈 经常 仔细 迅速 骄傲 安静 稚拙。浑浊 结束 平常 缓慢 偶尔 马虎 成熟 谦虚 热闹。四 给句子中画横线的字选择...