
发布 2020-01-15 12:30:28 阅读 5554

一戒比较不在同类事物之间进行[误] my cake is bigger than you.[正] my cake is bigger than yours.

析] my cake不能同you相比较,他们不是同类事物。二戒不合逻辑。

误] li lei is taller than any boy in his class.[正] li lei is taller than any other boy in his class.[析] any boy包括li lei,故需加other,以排除其自身。


误] he is more stronger than i.[正] he is stronger than i.

析] stronger本身就已经是比较级,故去掉more。四戒滥用比较级前的修饰语。

误] lesson two is very easier than lesson one.[正] lesson two is much easier than lesson one.

析]一般来说,much,a little,a lot,ever,still等词可用来修饰比较级,表示比较的程度。而very, so, too及quite等一般用来修饰形容词或副词的原形。


误] my books are more than yours.[正] i h**e more books than you.


误] it's much better to pick apples than h**e classes.[正] it's much better to pick apples than to h**e classes.


七戒最高级后表范围的介词in和of混用[误] this one is the nicest in all.[正] this one is the nicest of all.

析] in后常接表单位、组织等概念的单数名词。of后常接复数名词,指前面提到的同类人或物,也可构成"of the+基数词"、"of all"等结构。八戒用as...

as, not as/so...as做比较时,中间用比较级[误] this mooncake isn't as nicer as that one.[正] this mooncake isn't as (so)nice as that one.

[误] i think chinese is so interesting as english.[正] i think chinese is as interesting as english.

析]用as...as, not as/so...as做比较时,中间要用原级。否定句中,前一个as可换成so,但肯定句中不可换。


形容词。一 定义 形容词 adj.主要是用来描述和修饰名词 代词,说明其性质 状态和特征。形容词主要用来描述事物的大小 形状 颜色等具体特征,也可用来陈述事物的状态等。二 形容词的特征。1 作定语,常置于被修饰词的前面。he is a good actor.他是一名好演员。2 作表语,置于连系动词后...


学习好资料欢迎 外语系英语专业试讲教案格式及具体要求。一 教案应依序包括以下内容 10 15 minutes 课题 topic 教学内容 contents 教学目标 aims and demands 教学。方法 teaching methods 教学重点 难点 key or difficult po...


1.形容词的特征。形容词在语法上一般具有如下特征。a.做定语置于被修饰语的前面。he is a good actor.他是一名好演员。he bought a very beautiful cell phone yesterday.他昨天买了一部很漂亮的手机。b.做表语置于连系动词的后面。the ba...