
发布 2020-01-09 16:55:28 阅读 3930



thismorning,inclearweather,'reafamilytopublic plazas kites.


dad took a balloon, it is small in kite behind tail and used toincrease its resistance. mom with the hand a kite, i tightly pullinga line. dad shout loudly 1:

“put." mother will hasten to kite on the square desperately to run.



the sky is so many kinds of kites. kite kite, butterflies h**ebats, etc, they all birds kite flying in the air cheerily.


i wish i were that fly freely in the blue sky kite!


if i could see the sea and the sea in the winter holiday, howhappy i would be! this time, i h**e had such a winter vacation.

once in the summer, my parents took me to beihai, dalianand qingdao, and since then i h**e been deeply in love with thesea. what's the sea like in winter? i'm longing for it.

before thiswinter holiday, my parents told me that if the final exam resultswere ideal, i would be able to be a good student, and i would beable to fulfill this wish.

i tried hard to get good grades, and i was a good student. inthe winter vacation, my mother took me to hainan island by 's so beautiful there! green and green, with flowers in full bloom,there are tall and big coconut trees everywhere, and i drink sweetand sweet coconut milk.

in the days in hainan, i saw the wanquanriver, the story of the red detachment of women, the boao bbs,the monkey and the peacock. the most interesting thing is diving:in the great east bay, i wear a diving mirror, a wetsuit, and a bottleof oxygen on my back.

the diving coach told me about the safetyrequirements and the signs on the ocean floor. i was so excitedthat i felt like a fish in a beautiful crystal palace. at the bottom ofthesea,isawmanyrainbow-likefishswimmingaroundandfinding my f**orite clown fish.

and beautiful coral, touch, like jelly,'tdoontheground, like rolling over...it was so funny, until the diving coachreminded me that it was time to go ashore, and i couldn't bear togo. i said to the little fish silently in my heart, i will come to seeyou again!

class, do you say i had an ideal winter vacation?小学生寒假的英语作文篇3

on the first morning of the new year, everyone got up, andonly i was still in dreamland, dreaming of snow. suddenly i heardmy father say loudly, "rainbow, get up, snow." i could not believeit, but i got up and put on my new clothes and went wow!

i saw nothing but a white space. everything looks likea white dress. the sky was still flying with goose feather.

i'm soexcited! as soon as i wanted to run into the snow to play withsnow, my mother grabbed me. "not now, until the snow stops toplay, or it will get wet.

" i think that's right, so i wash and rinse first,then eat breakfast, wait for the snow to stop, i wait till the morning,the snow has not stopped. it was time for lunch. after lunch, thesnow finally stopped.

my mother and i together make a snowman,mum rolling a snowball when the snowman's body, i get a lightsnow ball when the snowman's head and made the snowman'seyes,blackbeanswithablackmarker,eyebrowsandmouth,made from carrot nose, with branches to do hand. such a livelyand lovely snowman is done. we took pictures with the a lot of photos, we h**e another snowball fight...

this is thehappiest day of my winter vacation.


就要开学了。我又可以见到老师和同学们了。一想到熟悉的。在语法方面,这册课本需要学习的内容可真不少。包括形容词 副词的比较等级 冠词的用法 动词的种类 can,may,must,shall等情态动词的用法和过去进行时。此外,还有我不太熟悉的句子成分和句子种类。语法一直是我英语学习中的老大难,在新学期里...


事件作文希望对您有帮助,谢谢。范文一寒假里的趣事多得数不清,可最令我难忘的一件事就是过新年。这是一个忙碌的早晨,小鸟刚刚和太阳公公问过好之后,人们就起了床。市场上热闹极了,人们说说笑笑,到处都是一片喜气洋洋,大地换上了新装,红红的好像一件红衣服。噼里啪啦,这是什么声音?哦!原来是 欢乐的交响曲 呀,...


小学生的第一个寒假作文。每个寒假都是我们中最快乐的时刻,这是我当生的第一个寒假,我这次可是感受多多啊。自从我得知二月叁日我要去都江堰 我的公公婆婆家,我就一直盼望着,一天一天的过去,到了二月二日的晚上,临睡前奶奶对我说 今天早点睡,明天才有精神去都江堰。然后我就躺下了。等到爸爸妈妈都来睡觉的时候,我...