our society in constant development, our living standard has been improved, but my door but misses the point, that is environmental protection.
you see, lawn grass became yellow, and the roadside trees listlessly, dense forest under the handfuls of sharp saw also gradually away from us. this, but the fact that iron!
in the countryside, people cultivation of levelling, and so many trees lost their lives, however, these precious land because of improper use, was a wild field soil. in this way, a vast expanse of land with a large abandoned, year after year, day after day, past the dense forest will one day be a state long, become a piece of the other people hate the boundless gobi desert!
everybody should know area tuo lake, the biological variety there, especially the hairy crabs there, with a meat tender yellow, more and more the f**our of people. now, tuo lake surface is covered by algae is full, the water had turned out to be a tan. and also the dead fish floating in the lake, garbage, and black water plant, are miserable sufferings
careless human ah, you wake up, we live on the earth has not been able to afford, the forests on the earth in the sharply reduce, desert and wilderness is a miraculous increase. clean fresh water resources is constantly reduced, however, dirty choushui river is in the unceasing increase, shouldn't, all is false?
want people to listen to me a advice: please don't covet interests and cut down a tree, please don't waste water because of the naughty. although these are only some things, but the cumulative up one by one and is a great thing.
i believe that in the near future, our world will become more beautiful.
分类 作文 有关保护环境的作文。1 四年级作文 有关环境保护靠自己的作文人类生存在美丽的地球上,我们要保护地球的每一个地方。如果我们破坏环境的话,我们的地球妈妈会受到伤害!所以,我们要保护地球上的每一个角落。记得有一次,我在马路上悠闲地散步。我走到一栋楼的楼下,发现在那条扫得干干净净的小路上,竟然有...
保护环境,人人有责。以下是小编给大家整理的保护环境的作文的内容,欢迎大家查看。篇一 今天我们要说的就是保护环境,热爱校园的事儿。前几年,我们东街小学校园里到处是五彩缤纷,丰富多彩的垃圾伴着尘土一起在空中飞扬,这种 景象 随处可见,简直多得像蜂巢里的马蜂一样,吓的同学们捂着鼻孔到处乱避。可近几年来,我...
有关保护环境作文8篇。在日常学习 工作和生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的保护环境作文8篇,欢迎大家分享。保护环境人人有责,但是在现实生活中,却往往有人不遵守这句重要的环境标语,他们经常会乱扔垃圾 随地吐痰,素质再差一...