
发布 2020-01-08 09:53:28 阅读 1035


1. 第一段写作万能句式:开门见山+写作目的。


1. at this very/great moment i am composing this letter (to you) 目的是:for the purpose of /for the sake of /with the intention of/ to the end of apologizing to you (或者别的) .

2. on this critical occasion i am concentrating on this letter.其大意是:

to the effect that (句子)i would like __apologizing to you.


1. as a senior/an undergraduate from xx city(这里最好写上海),i major in 专业(黄涛说写一个难一点专业)。

2. as a responsible citizen/as a honest university student/as an aggressive youngster, i feel it my duty to do sth .


1. i am deeply obliged to you in advance for your attention to my letter.


1. my specific /detailed requirements/tips/reasons are 如下as follow.

2. what i would like to state is as follow.

2. 第一段写作万能句式:主题句子+细节展开:分层次+说原因。


1. in brief ,事情是这样的。the whole event stand thus.

2. in short,this is how the whole thing happened/occurred/took place(适合描述过去做了什么。适合写道歉信。)

3. 说原因:to sum up ,there are a train of /a couple of factors/reasons underlying this event/issue.


1. for one thing,__句子1___

2. for another,__句子2


1. much to our joy/delight/happiness让我们感到快乐。

2. much to our sadness/regret/disappointement,i find it extremely hard to meet your demands.


1. to be more exact, 把句子再说一遍 。

2. to make the situation better/worse, 句子 。


1. or put it in another way, 句子 。

3. 第三段写作万能句式:期待回信+礼貌祝福。

第一句:1. would you be so kind as to accept my apology?

2. i would be (十分)highly/substantially gratefull if you could do me a f**or

第二句:1. as a result,for the sake of +名词,i am looking forword to (如:

你参加我们的演讲比赛,your attending our speech contest/opening ceremony.)

2. i am deeply convinced that you will consider this letter matter seriously.


2019考研英语小作文万能模板。导读 本文。2019考研英语小作文万能模板,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。一 公务文书。给有关部门 上司 同事 老师,等等写信都是公务书信。考研英语小作文绝大多数都是写公务书信。1.万能结构。称呼 如果题中已给出要写信的具体的人,直接抄 如果未给出,一律写...


一 概述。考研英语小作文,即应用文,是自2005年开始在原有的大作文的基础上增加的新题型,在英语一和英语二中各占10分,这就说明研究生英语考试不仅重视对考生基本写作素质 基础写作能力的测试,而且对考生语言产出能力和实际运用能力提出了更高的要求,提出了更贴近现实生活对语言运用的要求。考研英语小作文主要...

英语作文万能句子 举例英语作文万能

2017 04 09所谓万能这个概念,如果大家都去这么用的话,就等于没有用了。partb部分是有的,但是parta没有,partb可以基本上把这个文章全写完的一个模板方式。万能模板,你这么想,大家告诉我,只要一个题目能够转变成一社会现象之后,最好准备两到三套大的万能无敌模式。关于万能模式的几个问题 ...