2019考研英语高频词汇汇总 2

发布 2020-01-04 14:48:28 阅读 5825

7. structure

n. 结构; 构造; 建筑物; 体系;

vt. 构成,排列; 安排;

[例句]the typical family structure of freud's patients involved two parents and two children.


8. substance

n. 物质,材料; 实质,内容; [神] 灵; (织品的) 质地;

[例句]there's absolutely no regulation of cigarettes to make sure that they don't include poisonous substances.


9. trend

n. 趋向; 走向; 时尚,时髦;

vi. 趋势; 倾向;

[例句]this is a growing trend.


10. activity

n. 活动; 活跃,敏捷; 活动力; 教育活动;

[例句]you can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching.


11. advantage

n. 有利条件; 益处; 优越(性); 处于支配地位;

vt. 有利于; 有益于; 促进; 使处于有利地位;

vi. 得益,获利;

[例句]they are deliberately flouting the law in order to obtain an advantage over their competitors.


12. aspect

n. 方面; 面貌; 方位,方向; 形势;

[例句]climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives.

气候和天气影响着我们生活的方方面面。1. mass

n. 大量,大多; 块,堆,团; [物理学]质量; 弥撒曲;

vt. (使) 集中,聚集;

adj. 大规模的; 群众的; 整个的; 集中的;

[例句]on his desk is a mass of books and *****s.


2. obtain

vt. 获得,得到; 流行; 买到,达到(目的);

vi. 通行,通用; 流行; 存在;

[例句]evans was trying to obtain a false passport and other documents.


3. powerful

adj. 强大的; 权力大的; (药)有效地;

adv. 很; 非常;

[例句]you're a powerful man& people will listen to you.


4. predict

vt. 预言,**; 预示,预告;

vi. 预言,预示:预言某事,预言;

[例句]the latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest.


5. risk

n. 危险,冒险; 保险额; 被保险人或物;

vt. 冒…的危险; 使…冒风险(或面临危险);

[例句]there is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure.


6. robot

n. 机器人; 遥控装置; 自动机; 机械呆板的人;

[例句]they h**e docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station.


7. shift

vt. 改变; 换挡; 去掉; 摆脱掉;

vt. 换…的衣服,更(衣); 卖,**; [计算机] 使(数据)位移;

vi. (汽车)换挡;换衣服; 蒙混; 自己谋生;

[例句]he stopped, shifting his cane to his left hand.


8. species

n. 物种; 种类; 类型;[逻辑]个体;

[例句]pandas are an endangered species.


9. approach

vt. 接近,走近,靠近;

vt. 接近; 着手处理; 使移近; 试图贿赂(或影响,疏通);

n. 方法; 途径; 接近;

[例句]he didn't approach the front door at once.


10. argument

n. 论据; 争论,争吵; [数]幅角; 主题,情节;

[例句]there's a strong argument for lowering the price.


11. assume

v. 承担; 呈现; 假定,认为; 装出;

[例句]it is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar.


12. blueprint

n. 蓝图,设计图; 计划大纲; 原本;

vt. 为…制蓝图; 为…制订计划;

[例句]the country's president will offer delegates his blueprint for the country's future.


考研英语 考研英语高频词汇汇总

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2019考研英语高频词汇汇总 3

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group 1 data n.数据,资料。agenda n.议事日程。database n.数据库。evolve v.使 演变,使 进化。evolution n.演变,进化。rely vi.on,upon 依靠 信赖。lump n.块,肿块 vt.将 归并在一起 vi.结块。project n.计划...