
发布 2020-01-04 14:10:28 阅读 1831


beam, chuckle, giggle, grin, jeer, laugh, roar, sneer

beam v.本义指照耀,放光,引申为"微笑",是正式用语,指面带喜悦或笑容,暗示对他人的友好或内心的满足。

she beamed with happiness.她高兴得眉开眼笑。

chuckle v. (书面语)吃吃的笑,抿嘴笑,轻声笑,多指因得意或领会到某事中的趣味而暗自发笑。

she does not laugh out loud; she only chuckles.她没有笑出声来,只是抿嘴而笑。

giggle v.咯咯地笑,痴笑,傻笑,多指女人和孩子由于紧张、被逗乐、尴尬时所发出的笑声。

the schoolgirls giggled when the famous football player walkedsintostheir classroom.当这个著名的足球运动员走进教室时,女生们都咯咯地笑起来。

grin v.露齿而笑,指人因高兴、满足、轻蔑等咧开嘴露齿地笑。

he grinned at his mother.他冲他的妈妈咧嘴一笑。

jeer v.讥笑,嘲笑,其同义词是mock。

the crowd jeered when the boxer was knocked down.当那个拳手被人打倒时,人群开始嘲笑他。

laugh v.笑,大笑,用于一般的笑或出声的大笑。

roar v.怒吼,咆哮,引申为放声大笑,哄堂大笑。

he roared when he heard the joke.

sneer v.冷笑,嘲笑,指表示轻蔑或嘲弄。

he sneered at the offer and said it was two low.他对**嗤之以鼻,说它太低了。

boundary, border, frontier, rim, verge

boundary n.边界;界线。多指作为界线的标识物等。

the fence marks the boundary between my land and hers.这道栅栏是我的地和她的地的分界线。

border n.较宽的边缘,边界,多指两国或两地之间的分界处附近的边缘地区、边界地带;也可以指物体的边缘等。

we crossed the mexican bordersintosthe usa.我们穿过墨西哥边界进入美国境内。

frontier n.边界,边境,边疆,指靠近边界(boundary)的区域;也可引申为"未开发的领域","学术的)前沿"等。

the american west was still a frontier a century ago.一个世纪以前美国西部还是一片边疆。

she is a biochemist who works on the frontiers of biology.她是从事生物学前沿研究的生化学家。

rim n.边,边缘,尤指圆形或近似圆形的物体的边缘。

verge n. (道路、花坛等长着草的)边缘,引申为"某事即将发生之际"。

on the verge of war战争爆发之际。

brief, concise, curt, succinct

brief a.简明扼要的,简短的,指时间短暂,办事利索,态度明了等;有时含有"虽短但却不失全面"的意味。

the manager made a brief statement to open the meeting.经理致了简短的开幕词。

concise a. 简要、精练,常含有保留主要部分的意思。

his letter was concise, omitting everything not pertinent to the job.

curt a.三言两语的,简短的,常含有"草率"的意思。

he asked his boss a question, but got a curt reply , i h**e no time for you now!"他问老板一个问题,但是老板草率的说:"我没时间搭理你。

"succinct a.简明的,简洁的,简练的,尤指用词简练,除含有concise的意思外,还有经过压缩的或简化的意思。

succinct summary of the argument论点的概要。

certify, rectify, testify, verify

certify v.证明,声称是真的。

he certified it was his wife's handwriting.

rectify v.改正,纠正;整顿。

he rectified the mistake in the contract by changing its wording.他通过改变措辞纠正了合同的错。

testify v. (在法庭上)宣誓作证;表明。

he is the only person who can testify in this case, because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously.由于其他的证人已经被神秘地杀害,他成为这件案例中唯一可以作证的人。

verify v. (用事实)证实或核实。

i verified the store's address by calling to check it.我打**询问,以核实商店的地址。

comprise, compose, consist, constitute, include

comprise v.包含,由……组成(整体);组成,构成。

our company's product line comprises 2,500 different items.

compose v.构成(整体),组成;由……组成(后接of,常用于被动语态);创作(作曲、诗歌等)。

the committee was composed mainly of teachers and parents.委员会由教师和学生家长组成。

consist v.组成,构成,由……组成(后接of,常用于主动语态);(后接in)在于,存在于。

the beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.这计划的好处就在于简单易行。

constitute v.构成,组成(整体)。

crime and illegal drugs constitute the city's major problems.

include v.包括,包含,把……列入。

the conference delegates included representatives from abroad.大会代表有海外代表。

conserve, preserve, reserve

conserve v.保存,保藏,保护(强调节约)。

in winter, some people conserve energy by lowing the heat at night.冬天,为节约能源有些人在夜里把暖气调小。

preserve v.保护;维持;保养;防止(食物)腐败(强调使不受破坏)。

the government preserves the rights of the individual person.**保护个人的权利不受侵犯。

reserve v.保留,储备(强调为某一特殊目的);订(座位),预定。

we are reserving these seats for my parents. continual, continuous, constant, incessant

continual a.连续不断的;频繁的。表示时断时续的发生。

that dog's barking is a continual annoyance.

continuous a.不停的,连续不断的,强调中间不停顿。

our homes and offices need a continuous supply of electricity.

constant a.不断的,经常的,始终如一地经常出现。

everything in the universe is in constant motion.宇宙中的万物都在不断地运动。

incessant a.不停的,持续不断的,强调令人厌烦地重复出现,中间有可能有停顿。

incessant noise makes me appreciate silence.持续不断的噪声骚扰使我喜欢安静的环境。

convert, invert, revert, transform

convert v.转变,变换,含有"使某人改变观点"的意思。

he wants to convert to catholicism.

invert v.使颠倒,使倒转,使反向。常常表示位置、顺序、方向等的颠倒。

the baby inverted the cup and spilled her orange juice.婴儿把杯子打翻,弄洒了里面的橙汁。

revert v.归还,恢复原状。指回到原来的状态或情形。

john g**e his brother a house, and when his brother died, ownership reverted back to john.约翰送给他的哥哥一所房子,当他的哥哥去世后,房子的所有权重新归于约翰。

transform v.改变,转变,指形状、颜色、大小、性质等的改变。

a little paint will soon transform the old house.刷一点油漆很快就会使这所旧房子大为改观。


1.yield to 对 屈服,投降,让步,顺从。2.be worthy of be deserving of 值得,够得上,配得上。3.absence of mind being absent minded 心不在焉。4.absorb take up the attention of 吸引 的注意...


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