
发布 2020-01-04 11:39:28 阅读 4380










today was a last vacation day. i should go to the class. idon't like this school’s classes.

i don't like the chalk class ,we must understand and learn the knowledge. i don'tlikequizandexercise,sveryshort,ican enjoy the spring can watch cartoon every 't go to school frepuently.

sometimes i can go to play with my friend thefestival coming,i can play all the can play video gamewith my brother.

i am good at playing pc i often beats my brother.

then more and more relative came to my had 's so lively that i'amvery happy.

but i still h**e to do my homework.

at 10 this morning, i, my dad, my dad's colleague, and histwo sons went on the way to taishan.

we had heard taishan difficult terrain, a look at the pastflotilla,lightisthetaishanmountainsisrolling,sowetakethebustothehillside-taishanzhongtiangatebegantoclimbagain. in order to climb, we adopt the incentive method, thefirst one roasted duck, last food steamed buns pickles.

after i started climbing with a run ahead, because otherpeople are very strong, very high.

thesceneryoftaishanisreallyverybeautiful,everywhereistheinscription,beautifulscenery, to the temple, buddha, we also went to feel the only use it with our hands and feet. after experiencingnumerous difficulties and dangers we finally climbed up thetaishan south gate. we are all tired out of breath.

aftergoingup,wefoundahotelcalled"southtianmen"hotel,and after the restoration of physical strength, we went to thesouth tianmen landscape. there are only 1 blocks xianrenqiao,;andloveya, i was eating, there was no roast duck on the mountain, soididn' climb up.

afterdark,wesoonwenttosleep,becauseeverymorningwillh**e to see the sunrise!


i,antern festival is one of the biggest holidays in days before lantern festival, people begin to makelanterns. lanterns are made in the shape of different animals,vegetables,fruitsandmany,otherthings..ontheeveoflanternfestival, all the lanterns are hung up.

perhapsyoucallsee some wonderful folk performances,dragon dance and is very interesting and everyone is very happy. ourlife is rich and varied.





1 春游。4月13日晴星期一。今天是快乐的一天,因为期待已久的春游终于到来了。泉城公园里,百花盛开,万紫千红的花儿都争奇斗艳 争先恐后地开放。小草长出了嫩叶,柳树抽出了嫩芽,小鸟飞上枝头,也为这美丽的春天而歌唱,冬眠的动物都醒了,到处是一片生机勃勃的景象。更让我们兴奋地是,我们要去游乐场玩。我们玩遍...


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