
发布 2020-01-03 21:29:28 阅读 9838


the resources of the earth are limited. we should cherish and cherish these resources. so we're going to do garbage sorting, and reuse the **ailable resources again.


at home, remind everybody garbage classification, water bottles, cans, such as waste ***** packed together to sell, resources recycling, and made money, the waste batteries, cartridges, etc in the recycling bins. in school, you can reuse and reuse garbage, put in two different trash cans, one is recyclable and one is unrecyclable. learn from your classmates and discuss ways to classify rubbish.

in the suburbs, we will use two bags to classify garbage, pick up the garbage that we see and classify it, so that it is the best young pioneers. this allows you to easily categorize.



everyone is sorting garbage, and the earth is beautiful. we will see the thick wood, the clear water, the blue sky and the blue sea, everyone has a sweet smile.



篇一 垃圾分类 我们的垃圾现在主要有两种处理方法,一个是填埋,可是这个很占地方,而且下雨的话,雨水渗进去,慢慢的会污染水源。另一种是烧,这个在烧的过程中,会污染空气。我们的垃圾要分好类,如果想要世界变得更环保,先要自己做好。怎么做呢,要把可 和不可 的垃圾分好类,可 的有塑料罐 铁瓶子 报纸 玻璃,...

垃圾分类 作文

垃圾分类。我的特殊朋友。今天我要给大家介绍一位特殊的 朋友 它的名字叫垃圾。你一定很惊讶,它怎么会是朋友呢?它不是我们地球的破坏者吗?不,它说 它不想做破坏者,一点也不想,它只是迷路了,找不到回家的方向,它需要帮助。太好了!我立马想到在学校里学到的垃圾分类,垃圾分四大类 分别是湿垃圾 干垃圾 可 垃...


保护环境,从垃圾抓起。果冻壳 塑料瓶 纸箱 废纸等,这些对我们来说就是用完了随手一扔的事,但是,你有没有想过,你这张纸,有可能是一棵大树的生命,它从森林里来,忍受了多少工序的折磨才来到了你的手中,它本来应该度过一生中最辉煌灿烂的时候,而你,写上几个字就扔了,甚至一个字还没写,就被一只罪恶的小手从本上...