
发布 2020-01-03 19:16:28 阅读 5752


attend vt. vi.

1. 出席,参加, 上大学。其后跟的宾语主要是meeting, conference, lecture, school, ceremony(典礼),church.

2. 照料,护理,侍候。 attend the sick man(vt)/ attend on the sick man

3. 办理,处理,陪伴,伴随。 attend to the matter / a cold attended by fever

attendance n.到场,出席,参加,出席人数。

beat (beat, beaten)

1)打,敲打vt. w**es beat the shores.

2)打败,打赢,胜过vt. they beat us in a match.

beat the world record in the high jump


the rain was beating on (against) the window.

4)(心,脉搏)跳动vi. normal heart beats / his pulse beat fast.

5) n.(接连的)敲打,敲击声; (波浪等的)冲击(声);(心脏等)跳动(声);节拍。


beat up 痛打一顿。

beat down (太阳等)强烈地照射下来;打倒,镇压; 杀(价)

beat a retreat 撤退,打退堂鼓。

beat time 打拍子。

blow(1). vi. (风)吹;吹动;刮it was blowing hard. /the door blew open.

(2).vi. 吹响;吹奏;鸣响do you hear the bugle blowing? 你听到军号在吹吗?

(3).vi. 吹气;呼吸困难急促;喘气。


(5).vt.吹动,吹a gust of wind blew all the dust away.

(6).vt.使充气,使**the explosion blew several buildings down.



blow one’s nose 擤鼻涕。

blow out 吹灭don’t blow out the light.

blow over (一阵风暴,风波等)过去the storm will soon blow over.

被淡忘the impression is so deep that it can hardly ever blow over.

blow up

(1)刮起来 soon a gale blew up.

(2)打气,吹起来get the tire blown up

(3)**,炸毁the ship blew up.

(4)发脾气,责骂 he blew up (at me) when i told him i couldn’t do it.

(5)爆发,突然开始the volcano unexpectedly blew up.

n.1. 打,一击;打击a blow to the face 朝脸部的一击。

2. (精神上的)打击;灾祸。


at a (one) blow 一下子,一举。

come to blows动手互殴。

get a blow in 打着,击中。

strike a blow against反对,企图。

break vt.

1.打破,打断,使碎裂break the window / break one’s leg (摔断腿)

2. 损坏,弄坏break the instrument

3. 破坏,违反, break an agreement / break the law

4. 使(突然)中止,打断break one’s journey

5. 打破(纪录) break the record

vi.1.破碎,折断the vase has broken to pieces.

2.争吵,决裂break from ( with) the old traditional ideas

3.(嗓音,天气)突变after an hour of he**y rain the storm broke.

4.(黎明,风暴)开始day broke.

5.(云雾)消散,停止the mist(雾)was breaking.

6.(身体,精神)垮了his health broke.


2决裂,绝交a break between the two countries

3.破晓at (the) break of day

4.休息(时间), 间歇 h**e a break

5.中止, 中断, 停顿 a break in the conversation


1. break away(from)

逃脱,摆脱break away from the guard


改掉,破除break away from the old habit

2. break down

(机器等)坏the car i was in broke down.

(身体)垮了,(计划) 失败,(精神)支持不往

his health broke down. /the plan has broken down.

(3) 中断 the conversation broke down at this point.

(4) 压倒,破除break down fetishes(迷信)

3. break forth 迸发, 突然…

a shout of joy broke forth.

4. break in

(1)强行进入,打进来thieves broke in during the night.

(2)插话,插嘴,打岔 don’t break in while others are speaking.

5. break into

(1) 强行进入, 打进break into the palace

(2) 突然开始 break into cheers

6. break off

(1) 突然停止 they broke off their conversation.

he broke off in the middle of a sentence.

(2) 中断,断绝, 绝交 break off the talk 中断会谈。

break off with one’s old friends 与老朋友绝交。

7. break one’s heart 使心碎。

8. break out 突然发生, 爆发。

a fire broke out during the night.

the economic crisis first broke out in the united states.

9. break out (of) (从监禁的地方)跑出来, 摆脱。

10. break through 突破,打破,冲破。

the river broke through its banks and flooded the country.

they h**e broken through in a number of directions.

11. break up

(1) (会议)结束,散会after midnight, the party broke up.

(2) 驱散(集会), 破坏(罢工) the police tried to break up the crowd.

(3) 学期结束,停课 the school has broken up for the holidays.

12. break up into 分成, 分解。

sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases.

bring vt.

1.带来,拿来bring me the basket, please.

2.使(人)来到;把…引来what brings you here today?

3.产生;引起;导致;使发生her three children brought her joy.

4.促使;劝使she couldn’t bring herself to believe the news.

5.使处于某种状态 bring water to a boil 把水烧开。

6.(货品)售得,换得the painting brought 20 pounds.

bring about 引起,实现,使发生。

our aim is to bring about a communist society.

bring around

1) 使回心转意,使改变看法they tried to bring him round to their views.

2) 使痊愈 the doctor will bring him round all right.

bring back(to one’s mind)使回想起。

the story brought back my unhappy childhood.

bring down

1) 使倒下,使下降。

the wind brought down a number of trees.

2) 击落,推翻。

the more enemy planes were brought down.


高频词用法。第一组 观点类 opinion view attitude idea thought mind opinion 意见 想法 feelings or thoughts about of on view 1.a personal 看法 意见 见解 态度 about on 2.理解或思维的 方...


上海高考英语高频词汇。absolute a.绝对的,无条件的 完全的。academic a.学术的 高等院校的 研究院的。accomplish vt.完成,到达 实行。acid n.酸,酸性物质 a.酸的 尖刻的。acknowledge v.承认 致谢。acquire vt.取得,获得 学到。ada...


1.announce v 宣布 2.investigate v 调查。3.arrestv 拘捕。4.commitment n 责任。5.assemblev 集合 装配。6.dominant a 支配的。7.authorityn 权利当局官方 8.advocate v 鼓吹倡导。9.briben v ...