
发布 2020-01-03 11:04:28 阅读 3579

unit 7 would you mind turning down the music?单元导学。


1、 请求或者询问对方意愿。

2、 抱怨或对事情感到生气。

二、重点单词key words

1.request, 请求,要求 2.apologize 道歉 3.command 命令,要求

4.task 任务;工作;作业 5.poster 海报;告示 6.stylist 时新样式的设计者7.waitress 女服务员 8.annoy 打扰;使生气 9.polite有礼貌的

10.complain抱怨 11.main 主要的 12.detail 细节 13.rush(抢购)热潮

14.greedy 贪心的;贪婪的 15.value 价值 16.resell 转卖;再售

17.smash 打破;打碎 18.harm 损害;伤害 19.continue 继续;持续

20.government ** 21.fine 罚金;罚款 22.mental 心智的;心理的 23.similar 同样的;类似的 24.throw 投;抛;扔掉 25.customer 顾客26.cause 引起;致使 27.time 倍 28.truly 真实的;诚恳的。

三、重点词组key phases

1.right away 立刻; 2.in a minute 马上;3.do the dishes (饭后)洗餐具 4.get ou of 从…中获得… 5.get up 起床 6.put on穿上 7.at a meeting 在开会。

8.no problem 没问题 9.haie stylist 发型师 10.be annoyed 烦恼的

11.make some posters 做一些招贴 12.wait in line排队等候 13.cut in line插队14.all the time始终 15.try not to do sth.试图不做某事16.get angry生气 17.pay a big fine付一大笔罚金 18.in other parts of asia在亚洲的其他部分 19.throw away扔掉 20.argue about议论某事21.so much trouble这么多麻烦

22.fly kites放风筝 23.three and a half years三年半 24.allow to do sth.允许做某事。

25.the physical and mental health身体和心理健康

四、重点句型key sentence structures

1. would you mind cleaning your room? 你介意打扫一下你的房间吗?

i’m sorry. i’ll do it right away. 对不起,我马上就干。

2. would you mind moving your car? 你介意移一下你的车吗?

no, not at all. 不,不介意。

3. could you please feed my little dog when i’m taking a holiday? 我渡假时,你能喂一下我的小狗吗?

4. shall we help the elderly clean the yard? 我们帮老人打扫一下院子好吗?

5. let’s make some rules to protact wild animals. 我们来定一些制度保护野生动物吧。

6. why don’t you go there by plane? 你为什么不乘飞机去那呢?

7. why not give him a funny book as a present? 为什么不给他一本有趣的书做礼物呢?

8. you’d better take a good care of yourself. 你最好能照顾好自己。

9. would you like to take part in the training camp? 你愿意参加训练营吗?

10. do i h**e to wash the dishes after dinner? 饭后我必须洗吗?


1、would you mind + doing …?你介意……吗?请你……可以吗?

eg.: would you mind moving your bike?

not at all. 不介意。

i’ll do it right away.

right away = at once = in a minute

would you mind cleaning your room?

i am sorry. i’ll clean it in a minute.

(ok, i’ll do it right away.)

would you mind doing something for me?

not at all, sir. what would you want me to do?

2、在would you mind + doing句型中,需注意:doing为动名词。动名词既具有动词的某些特征,也具有名词的某些特点。

动名词由“动词原形 + ing”构成。在某些动词之后只能接动名词,而某些动词后面只能接动词的不定式。后面常接动名词的词有:mind, finish, enjoy,

eg.: he enjoys walking in the park.

i finished reading the book yesterday.

would you mind opening the window?

动名词的否定式由“not + 动名词”构成。

would you mind not doing…?请不要……好吗?

eg.: would you mind not wearing the old jeans?

ok, i’ll put on another pair.

would you mind not playing the football here?

i’m sorry.


would作为情态动词,主要用于第二人称的疑问句中,表示询问对方的意愿或者想对方提出请求,时间指现在或者将来。would的语气要比will更加婉转和客气。常用的句型除“would you mind doing…?


would you please…?请……可以吗?

would you like…?需要……吗?

would you like to…?你愿意……吗?

eg.: would you please do me a f**or? sure.

would you like a cup of coffee?

yes, please./no, thanks.

would you like to join us?

i would like to.

would you mind closing the door?你介意把门。

no, not at all.


could you please do something?请你做某事可以吗?

eg.: could you please help me with my housework?


i’m afraid not.

这一句型的否定式是:could you please not do something?请你不要做某事好吗?

eg.: could you please not sing in the classroom?


could是can的过去式,但在语气上要更加委婉、更加客气。正式的场合下,为了表示礼貌,常说“could i … please?”“我可以……吗?”

eg.: could i h**e a talk with mr. smith, please?

could i take the seat?


i’m afraid not.

而比较随便的口语化的说法是:can/may i…, please?

eg.: can i open it now?

sure./no, you can’t.


would you mind doing something?

could you please do something?

would you please do something?


would you mind not doing something?

could you please not do something?


would you like something?

would you like to do something?

could i…, please?

can/may i…, please?


unpleasant;annoying; complain;get annoyed;get mad;

i can’t stand it!


七年级上册。1 失物招领处2 名字3 许多。4 姓氏5 在地板上6 健康食品。7 用英语8 打 给某人9 在桌子下面。10 因 而感谢11 打排球12 看电视。13 打扰了14 号码15 电脑游戏。16 铅笔盒17 全家福18 到达。19 与 玩20 给 提供21 岁。22 看一看23 放学后24 ...

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