
发布 2020-01-02 01:15:28 阅读 8318

【美语中的各种颜色】 movies**** blue心情不好 chocolate黑人(蔑称,慎用) black day倒霉/忧郁的一天 lie善意的谎言 worker白领 pink slip解雇信 pink非常开心 a red light闯红灯 the red 欠银行钱。

各种笑】冷笑sneer; 咧嘴笑grin ; 傻笑smirk;咯咯笑 giggle ;开怀大笑 bursting with laughter; 强忍住笑 trying not to laugh ; 开口大笑 laugh out loud(lol); 偷笑 ingratiating smile; 笑掉了屁股 laugh my ass off;笑得停不下来can't stop laughing

6招打败顽固"拖延症"】1. don't think about it that much不要想太多;2. find alternative ways to do it.

不走寻常路 it as soon as you can越快越好; the task into small pieces分解任务5. praise yourself for starting the task自我表扬 your past experiences善于回顾。

美剧口语】's a little down.他情绪有点低落。 dare you to try.

有种你试试看。'm not gonna make a scene.我不会当众吵闹。

's shutting me out.他在排挤我。 don't want to rush into things我们不想操之过急。

good永远are you back for good?你这次回来不走了?—《绯闻女孩》

零食包装上的常见单词】nutrition facts 营养明细;amount per serving 每份含量;calories 热量;total fat 脂肪总量;sat. fat 饱和脂肪;cholesterol 胆固醇;protein 蛋白质;vitamin a维他命a ;calcium 钙;iron 铁;dietary fiber 膳食纤维;protein蛋白质;phosphorus 磷;no preservatives 无防腐剂。

与“鸟”相关的习语】catbird seat 有利的地位;a little bird told me 私下告诉的;for the birds 毫无意义;fine feathers make fine birds 人靠衣裳马靠鞍;eat like a bird 吃得极少;rare bird 罕见的人或物;early bird 早起的人;on the bird (节目)卫视播出的。这些“鸟语”你懂了么?

表达不满】's a lummox.他是个傻大个。've never met such an ignoramus.

我没见过这么无知的人。's an apple-polisher.她是个马屁精。

is tasting her own medicine.她自食其果。 must be h**ing a few buttons missing.

她肯定是脑子缺根弦。 is a stick-in-the-mud.他顽固不化。

解决问题的经典秘籍】1、找出问题 identify the problem. 2、选择最适合的方法 select an optimal method. 3、搜集并分析资料 collect and analyze data.

4、 整理结果 collate findings 5、得出结论reach a conclusion. 6、采取行动、解决问题 take actions to solve the problem

和老外发短信常用缩写t-y字母版】tx-thanks;thanq-thank you;tyvm-thank you very much;tmb-text me back;u-you;ur-your;w/-with;w/o-without;w8-wait;w84m-wait for me;wan2-want to;wud?-what're you doing ;x-kiss;xoxo-hugs and kisses;y-why;yyssw-yeah yeah sure sure whatever

各种人际关系】acquaintance:相识的人;(总称)熟人 alter ego:第二个我;知己,密友 associate:

伙伴;朋友;同事;合伙人 mentor:导师;指导者 bosom friend:知心朋友 colleague:

同事;同僚 companion:伴侣;朋友;同事 confidant(e):(女性)密友;知己 familiar:

知交;伴侣;常客 intimate:至交,知己,密友。

实用表白用语】 you would be mine 我希望你是我的。 i ask you out? 我可以约你出去吗?

i interest you in a movie? 你今晚可以与我一起去看电影吗? think i am falling into you.

我想我喜欢上你了。 are the one i h**e been looking for.你就是我一直在追寻的人。

护肤英文词汇】1、各种**:dry 干性** oily 油性** normal 中性** combination 混合性** 2、化妆品各种用途:firm 紧肤 nutritious 滋养 oilcontrol 控油 repair 修护 remover 去除、卸妆hydra 保湿 anti-wrinkle 抗老防皱 clean/purify 清洁。

护肤品】洗面奶 cleansing milk;保湿乳 moisturizer;日霜 day care cream;晚霜 night cream;爽肤水 toning lotion;润唇膏 lip care balm;防晒霜 sunblock/sunscreen;护手霜 hand lotion;眼胶 eye gel;** facial mask

各种don't 的短句表达】't take it so hard! 看开一点!'t worry about that!

別担心! 't brush me off!別敷衍我!

't be silly! 別傻了! 't be so sure.

别那么肯定。't talk nonsense!不要胡说!

't get me wrong! 不要误解我! 't force me 不要逼我。

快餐店的食物:combo**/hamburger,burger汉堡/fries薯条/drinks饮料:diet coke (diet)健怡可乐, iced tea冰茶, hi-c (or orange soda)橘子汽水, syrup 果汁/ketchup番茄酱/mushed potato土豆泥。

可用到的表达:refill续杯/for here,stay在这吃/to go带走/can i biggie size it?(薯条或饮料)加大。

up】man up 勇敢起来;cowboy up 被击倒仍爬起来继续奋斗;live up 挖掘潜力,不辜负;key up 让人兴奋;let up 放晴;jazz up 把事情弄得吸引人,有动感;lift up 抬起;cheer up 高兴起来。

实用口语】 so bad.不错。 affectionate!

真体贴! much.没什么。

's not a big deal.没什么了不起。 noisy!

吵死了!'s up to something.她肯定有事。

i make myself clear?我说清楚了吗? check.

改天吧。's a deal.一言为定。

it be.顺其自然吧。

生活感悟】pain makes you stronger, tears make you br**er, heartbreak makes you wiser, so thank the past for a better future.伤痛使你更坚强,眼泪使你更勇敢,心碎使你更明智,所以,我们都应该感谢过去,它给我们带来了一个更好的未来。

称赞鼓励别人“表现得好”除了good,你还可以说:1. good work!

for you! going! 've got it made!

's it! was first class work! you h**e it!

't h**e done it better myself! 're really going to town! 欢迎补充~

网络流行语2】1.神马都是浮云it’s all fleeting cloud.2.

悲催a tear-inducingmisery 3.秒杀 seckill; speed kill 4.范儿 style 5.

萝莉 lolita 6.小清新 like a breath of fresh air 7.搏出位 be a famewhore; seek attention 8.

蚁族 ant-like graduates 9.做人呢,最重要是开心 happiness is the way哥只是传说brother is only a legend; 穿越剧time-tr**el tv drama; 折翼的天使an angelwith brokenwings; 羡慕嫉妒恨envious, jealous and hateful; 犀利哥brother sharp; 微博控twuilt (来自于twitter和guilt两个字,表示不发微博心里就内疚)


身体部位 头 hair头发 baldhead秃头 forehead额 temple太阳穴 eyebrow眉毛 eye眼睛 eyelid眼皮 ear耳朵 cheek面颊 nose鼻子 lip嘴唇 dimple酒窝 philtrum人中 mouth口 tongue舌头 tooth牙齿 gum牙龈 chi...


table摆饭桌bounce guess猜shear剪buy买hap up挂起来shine照耀call打 h e a picnic举行野餐show展示catch butterflies捉蝴蝶h e english class上英语课sing唱歌clean the bedroom打扫卧室h e吃,有s...


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