英语演讲稿HowtoStayHealthy 多篇

发布 2019-12-31 15:36:28 阅读 3451

as we all know, healthy is very important to do you really know how to stay healthy? here are some useful tips. first, we should do exercise if we h**e exle, we can go to swim in the summer holiday.

or we can take a walk after exercise makes us healthy and strong. second, we should take more vegetables and fruit and less candies. stop eating junk food and drinking beers.

last but not least, we should go to bed early and wake up early. we should h**e enough sleep, or we will get sleepy in the day time. if we pay more attention to the tips above, we will h**e healthier body.

i wish everybody has a strong and healthy body.

我们都知道,健康对每个人来说都很重要。但是你知道该如何保持健康吗? 这里有一些实用的建议。




第二篇:英语演讲稿 how to stay healthy

ladies and gentlemen:

it’s great to see all your smiling faces.

i’m here to talk about our health.

everybody wants to be healthy.

we all desire a long and healthy life.

but what’s the best way to make it happen?

to begin with, we are what we eat.

eat well, and you’ll look good.

eat junk, and you’ll look bad.

some age gracefully.

some age terribly.

the way we age depends on us.

don’t overeat.

don’t starve yourselves.

always eat in moderation.

eat smart.

eat right.

always find something nutritious to eat.

eat more fruit.

eat more vegetables.

don’t eat too much red meat.

beef and pork are full of cholesterol.

cholesterol will clog arteries.

fish and chicken are much healthier.

drink water.

drink juice.

stay away from soda pop.

i h**e a remedy for a cough.

drink two big glasses of pineapple juice with lime.

soon the cough will go away.

don’t smoke.

don’t drink.

don’t do drugs.

smoking causes cancer.

drinking leads to liver diseases.

drugs invite an early death.

second of all, exercise daily.

work out every day.

keep yourselves in shape.

exercising gives us energy.

it keeps our bodies young.

it keeps our minds sharp.

our minds need knowledge.

our souls need love.

our bodies need exercise.

do you agree?

is this true?

how do you feel after exercising?

a friend of mine has his own method to keep fit.

he walks one thousand steps before every meal.

he walks another thousand steps after the meal.

an airline pilot once told me a ****** cure for insomnia and jet lag.

take a lot of exercise right after you get up in the morning.

this will help you sleep better.

exercise can be fun.

i jog on my treadmill while watching tv.

it’s so enjoyable i forget i’m working out.

good health is not free.

nothing worthwhile is easy.

you h**e to work and sweat.

sweat is good.

pain is gain.

no pain, no gain.

thirdly, listen to your bodies.

when you feel tired, take a rest.

when you feel sleepy, go to bed.

move your bowels once a day.

pee whenever you need to.

never hold it in.

when i was a kid, my father taught me one important thing.

always take care of you feet.

your feet are the most important part of your body.

wash your feet every day.

change your socks every day.

keep your feet clean dry.

a doctor told me a story about how to take care of our skin.

an old lady lived in a castle and never went out into the sum.

her skin was as fair as a baby’s.

his advice is this:

never go outside without an umbrella, rain or shine.

be sure to use an umbrella with uv protection.

fourthly, thin is in.

fat’s not where it’s at.

north, south, east, or west, thin is best.

stay slim.

**oid getting fat.

you must burn more calories than you eat.

i h**e three methods for losing weight.

number one: eat two oranges before each meal.

a friend of mine lost twelve pounds in a month.

number two: rise early.

exercise on an empty stomach.

don’t eat anything for an hour after exercising.

number three: eat just a little bit as your lunch, like an slice of bread and a glass of orange juice.

you will certainly bee hungry in the afternoon.

naturally you will eat an early dinner.

whenever you feel like eating, change into your sportswear and go get some exercise.

by doing so , you can lose one kilogram a week.

more exercise, less eating, is the rule.

in conclusion, remember, image is everything.

stay fit and look healthy.

people judge you by your appearance.

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