
发布 2019-12-30 17:20:28 阅读 8454

英语邮件开头的问候语篇一 i hope my email finds you well.


i hope you enjoy you night and morning!


sincere wishes to you and i hope you h**e a good lunch!


i tried to rich you couple of time on the phone without success.


i hope you had a good weekend and businesses are still running.


it is ameir greeting you from shhenzhen. how is going?


any comments from you are appreciated!


can you please confirm if you are **ailable possibly on 23th november, 2006?


all the staff of our company show our warmest welcome to you for your coming!


h**e a nice day and give my best wishes to you.


thanks for all and waiting your reply we will send you our best regards.


how is it going? 过得怎么样呀?

how do you do ?还好吗?

how are you?您好吗?

do everything well? 一切都顺利吧?

i miss you very much,are you happy?

how is it going? 过得怎么样呀?

how do you do ?还好吗?

how are you?您好吗?

do everything well? 一切都顺利吧?

i miss you very much,are you happy?

how is it going? 过得怎么样呀?

how do you do ?还好吗?

how are you?您好吗?

do everything well? 一切都顺利吧?

i miss you very much,are you happy.

英语邮件开头的问候语篇二 1问候语(greetings)

how do you do?(初次见面通常用语)

how are you?(比较熟悉的人之间用语)

how are you getting along with...你近来。可好?)

how are you doing?(您工作还顺利吧?)

how is everything?(一切还好吧?)

how is your vacation/holiday(s)/christmas day/weekend?(假期怎么样?) what’’s up?(近来可忙?)


what’’s going on?(近来可好?)

how is life?

how is it going?anything new?

pleased to meet you again!



good bye! (bye bye! bye!)

see you (tomorrow)! see you later!

so long! farewell!


i’’d like to say goodbye to everyone.

i’’m afraid i must be going now.

i’’m calling to say goodbye.


i’’ll look forward to seeing you soon.

let’’s hope we ll meet again.

hope to see you again.

drop in anytime you like.

mind how you go, bye!

take care of yourself, and don’’t forget to keep in touch.

do keep in touch!

my regards to your family.

a pleasant journey to you!

i’’ll miss you!


may i know your name?(请问贵姓?)

it’’s my pleasure to introduce you to each other.(我非常高兴给你们互相介绍)

may i introduce mr. bill to you all?(请允许我给大家介绍以下比尔先生)

margaret,can you introduce me to her?(玛格丽特,你能不能把我介绍给她?) let me introduce you to others.


meet my sister cathy.(这是我的姐(妹)凯丝)

bill, this is tom.

hi, i’’m susan,this is my calling card.(你好!我是苏珊,这是我的名片)

4.邀请和拜访(invitation and dropping in)

would you like to come over our small party?(你愿意参加我们的小聚会吗?) if you ever in beijing, please do look me up.

(如果你来北京,请一定来看我) would you like to join us?(喜欢和我们一起吗?)

shall we go for a walk?(去散步,好吗?)

what about another coffee?(再来一杯咖啡?)

shall we go to see a film?(去看电影,好吗?)

may i h**e a dance with you?(可以请你跳个舞吗?)

we’’d be very honored if you come to our wedding ceremony.(如果你能参加婚礼,我们将感到非常的荣幸。)

would you honor us with a visit?(可否赏光来我们这儿?)

i’’d like to invite you to attend our graduation ceremony.(我希望你能参加我们的毕业典礼。)

i’’m very sorry,but can we make it another time?(很对不起,下次可以吗?) welcome to our city!


are you free this evening?i want to pay you a visit.(晚上有时间吗?我想去看你。)

i really can’’t thank you enough for the invitation.(得到你的邀请,我感激涕零。)

it’’s my great honor to attend this grand graduation ceremony.(能参加这次盛大的毕业典礼,我感到非常的荣幸。)


标签 标题 篇一 商务信函英语问候语开头和结尾。商务信函英语问候语开头和结尾。商务英语信函常用结束语 1 我们盼望于近日内接获回信,等。1.we hope to receive your f or at an early date.2.we hope to be f ored with a repl...


篇一 商务信函英语问候语开头和结尾。商务信函英语问候语开头和结尾。商务英语信函常用结束语 1 我们盼望于近日内接获回信,等。商务信函的起首句和结束语。1 起首句。iamverymuchpleasedtoinformyouthat.withgreatdelightilearnthat.iwasglad...


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