1. 我們最終見了面。
we finally stand face to face.
2. 我父親上了年紀。
my father is getting along in years.
3. 他在人群中特顯眼。
he stands out in the crowd.
4. 再稍等一會兒。
stick around for a while longer.
5. 我們走吧。
let’s hit the road.
6. 他馬上就回來。
he may show up soon.
7. 你可以盡情的吃,盡情的喝。
you can eat and drink your fill.
8. 那個男孩看起來象他的父親。
the boy seems to take after his father.
9. 性格上更象他的母親。
in his character he’s more like his mother.
10. 這是我應該做的。
don’t mention it. it’s all in a day’s work.
11. 你這是在專家面前賣弄。
you’re showing off in front of the expert.
12. 我接受你的邀請。
i’ll take you up on that.
13. 我對烹飪一竅不通。
i don’t know the first thing about cooking.
14. 日子難熬。
i h**e a tough row to hoe.
15. 筋疲力盡了。
it run me ragged.
16. 真夠嗆。
i’m running myself ragged.
17. 沒錯。
i’ll bet.
18. 費勁的工作。
it’s an uphill battle.
19. 機器是壞的。
the machine is on the fritz.
20. 也許我能爲你做些什麽。
maybe i could run some errands for you.
21. 你來得正是時候。
you arrived just in the nick of time.
22. 我憑經驗做的。
i just do it by rule of thumb.
23. 身上不要帶太多的錢。
never carry around any more cash than you can afford to h**e stolen.
24. 請介紹一下圖書館的情況。
i’d appreciate it if you could clue me in on the library.
25. 一箭雙雕。
that’ll kill two birds with one stone.
26. 什麽事讓你冥思苦想的?
what are you racking your brain over?
27. 我們去看看。
let’s go and h**e a look.
28. (生活怎麽樣?)還湊合吧!
i just keep my head above water.
29. 盡情欣賞古代建築。
i feasted my eyes on the ancient structures.
30. 他扮演的毛澤東表演特別出色。
his performance of mao zhedong is top-notch.
31. 一位年輕女子招待的我。
a young woman waited on me.
32. 攝影迷。
he’s always been something of a shutterbug.
33. 堅持不懈。
i keep plugging away.
34. 我都記下了。
i’ve jotted down all.
35. 你最好縮短講稿的內容。
you’d better cut short the lecture.
36. 這解釋莫名其妙。
the explanation made no sense.
37. 你最好和你的妻子商量一下,明天給我一個答復吧。
you’d better talk it over with your wife and give me your answer tomorrow.
38. 我隨便說說。
well, off the top of my head.
(i didn’t prepare my lecture before-hand and only talked off the top of my
39. 你過獎了。
you’re laying it on thick.
40. 價格沒你說的那麽高。
the price wasn’t quite as high as you say.
41. 我只是略知皮毛。
i’m only able to scratch the surface.
42. 你最好再核對一下答案。
you’d better make a double check with your answer.
43. 我想你會成爲電腦專家的。
i think you h**e it in you to be an expert of computer.
44. 我已經在屋子裏悶了整整一個星期了。
i’ve been cooped up in the house for the whole week.
45. 我們到外面呼吸一些新鮮空氣吧。
let’s get out for some fresh air.
46. 我感覺得出去走走了。
i feel i h**e to get away from it all.
47. 這部電影在中國大受歡迎。
the movie is going over big everywhere in china.
48. 她每周絕食一天。
she fasts a day every week.
49. 別管我。
le**e me alone.
50. 我困了。
i feel very sleepy.
51. 走開,別煩我。
go fly a kite and stop bugging me.
52. 快點,否則你要趕不上了。
shake a leg, or you’ll miss it.
53. 我謝謝你的關心。(不耐煩的)
i share your enthusiasm.
54. 這些都很暢銷。
they’re selling like hot cakes.
55. 趕快!
get a move on!
56. 謝謝爲我提供資訊。
thanks for the info.
57. 我們休息一會兒吧。
let’s take a breather.
58. 這次我請客。
it’s on me this time.
59. 我們計劃去看場電影。
we plan to take in a movie.
60. 我覺得你說到點子上了。
i think you’ve put your finger on it.
61. 什麽事讓你煩惱?
what’s bugging you?
62. 最近他變了個人。
he hasn’t been himself lately.
63. 我每天大喊英語一個小時。
i put in an hour a day speaking english loudly.
64. 這取決你花的時間。
it all depends on how much time you’d like to put in.
65. 隨大流。
you’ve jumped on the bandwagon.
66. 你得爲此承擔責任。
you’ll h**e to answer for that.
67. 我從你這裏學到了很多。
i learned a lot from you.
68. 我左右爲難。
i’m really in a bind.
69. 我替你照顧他。
i’ll take care of him for you.
70. 我們還是找一個折衷的辦法。
let’s find a happy medium.
71. 他沈溺於賭博。
he’s addicted to the gambling.
72. 這令我興奮。
it really turns me on.
73. 狂歡。
painting the town red.
74. 這個成語把我搞糊塗了。
this idiom baffles me.
75. 你說的我聽不懂。
what you said is over my head.
76. 也許我應該扔掉我的語法書,重新開始。
maybe, i should throw out my grammar books and start from scratch.
77. 猴年馬月。
one of these years.
78. 你不懂你的笑話。
i don’t catch on to jokes you told.
79. 我這人沒有藝術細胞。
i’m not artistically-minded.
80. 他的建議對我沒用的。
his proposed didn’t serve my turn.
81. 你能代替他嗎?
could you fill in for him?
82. 我不擅長即席演講。
i’m not good at speaking off the cuff.
83. 我贊成。
i’ll buy it.
84. 你說的真好。
you’ve never said a truer word.
85. 我婉言謝絕了他們的邀請。
i politely refused their invitation.
安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,风雨不动安如山!大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。荷叶罗裙一色裁,芙蓉向脸两边开。羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关。晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。日光下彻,影布石上,佁然不动,俶而远视,往来翕乎,似与游者相乐。余闻而愈悲。孔子曰 苛政猛于虎也...
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