新英语100句 中级工

发布 2019-12-29 22:27:28 阅读 5177



1 hi, nice to meet you.你好,很高兴见到你。

2. how many people are there in your family?你家有几口人?3. how old are you?你多大了?

4. what’s your father/mother?

what does your father do? what do you do?)你父(母)亲做什么的?

5. what’s your name ? may i know your name ?请问尊姓大名。

6. what would you like to be?你想成为什么?

7. what’re your hobbies?你的爱好是什么?

8. which season/subject do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节/科目?

9. whom do you like best in your family/class/school?你最喜欢你家里/班里/学校里什么人?

10. how do you go to school?你怎样去上学的?

11. who is your best friend/ teacher?你最好的朋友/老师是谁?

12. long time no see.好久不见。

13. when is your birthday?你生日是什么时候?

14. what’s the weather like today?(sunny, windy, cloudy,rainy)

今天天气怎么样?(晴朗/多风/多云/下雨)15. what do ususlly do after class/ on sundays?

你课后/星期天通常做什么?16. shall we go to see a film?


17. would you prefer tea or coffee?你要茶还是咖啡?18 how are you?

fine.(good, everything is good.)

我很好。20. i’ve brought something for you and your family.( it’s kind of you)

21. can you give a brief introduction of yourself?


22. hello! this is hogan,is william in?


what time does the movie start?电影什么时候开始?

24. the movie supposed to start at 7 o'clock.电影应该在七点开始。

was the dinner at the dinning-room?食堂的晚饭怎么样?the food is too salty.

菜太咸了。it's very delicious.它的味道很好。

26. see you tomorrow?

see you tomorrow.


27. are you ok? yes, i am ok.


28. hi, how are you? i am fine, thank you.

嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢。29. you are beautiful!

你真漂亮!30. nice girl / boy.


31 . you are so sweet./ you look very smart.


32 i wish you a merry christmas!我祝你圣诞快乐!i wish you a happy new year!

我祝你新年快乐!33 miss li, you are very beautiful!


34 what’s for lunch / breakfast / supper?中午/早晨/晚上吃什麽?

35 what’s wrong with you? it’s nothing.

你怎麽了?没事。36 where are you going?

你去**?37 what time is it?

几点了?38 where are you?



where is the dining room?40.早餐几点开始**?

what time can i h**e breakfast?it's from 10:00am.41.何时需退房?

when is check-out time?it's 12:00am.


i'd like a wake-up call, please.43.几点?what time?明早7点。

7 o'clock tomorrow morning.44.你要住几晚?

how many nights will you stay ?45.你想要什么样的房间?

what type of room would you like?46.请问尊姓大名?

may i h**e your name ,please?47.请问**号码?

may i h**e your telepone number ,please?


48. may i take your order now, sir?先生,现在可以帮您点菜了吗?

i'd like to start with the chicken soup.我想先来一份鸡汤。

49. welcome to our restaurant, can i help you?我需要预约位子吗?

i’d like a table for three.


do you h**e for today’s special?


51. how many people do you h**e?we are a group of six.

我们共有6个人。52. do you h**e a table?

i’me ,please!

53. would you like something to drink before dinner?

在用晚餐前想喝些什么吗?i'd like a glass of orange juice.54. what kind of wine do you h**e?

maotai, wuliangye and fenjiu are all very nice.55. how do you like your steak?


well done (medium/rare),please.


56. will you be eating here or is this to go (take out)?


i’ll eat here. 、take out,please.


57. when are the restaurant hours?餐厅营业时间几点到几点?

it's usually from 10:00am to 10:00pm.58. anything else?no, thank you!


36.to be careful 一定要小心!37.do me a f or?帮个忙,好吗?1.i see 我明白了。38.help yourself 别客气。2.come on 来吧 赶快 39.you did right 你做得对。3.i agree。我同意。40.can i help you?...


少儿英语学习中,能快速提高的能力当属英语口语能力了。在实际教学和学习进度中,瑞思学科英语老师注意到,通常记忆高频句型和实用口语句子,可在短期内快速提升英语口语能力,在少儿英语学习阶段,这一教学规律也同样是适用的。下面就来一一剖析下这100句高频句子吧,在实际生活 现频次非常之高,令人惊讶。1.hel...


少儿英语学习中,能快速提高的能力当属英语口语能力了。在实际教学和学习进度中,瑞思学科英语老师注意到,通常记忆高频句型和实用口语句子,可在短期内快速提升英语口语能力,在少儿英语学习阶段,这一教学规律也同样是适用的。下面就来一一剖析下这100句高频句子吧,在实际生活 现频次非常之高,令人惊讶。1.hel...