
发布 2019-12-29 14:55:28 阅读 8896


a) 图表类作文。

一) 问题或现象原因分析。

as can be seen from the picture given对**进行描述,一般用一般现在时态,一般2—3句)。what is coveyed in the picture is much thought-provoking and has drawn much attention from the public.

what lies behind the problem mentioned above is that+概括性句子(原因1).展开说明1---2句名词性短语,表示原因2)is another main contributor.展开说明1---2句。

and also名词性短语,表示原因3)countributes much to the problem. 展开说明1---2句。

in conclusion, no matter what reasons there exist, the problem should be given deep consider-ation. and at the same time , effective measures should be taken to deal with it. the government ,the public ,and even individuals has the responsibility to do something ,turning the problem for the better.

二) 结果或影响的分析。

as is shown in the picture given对**进行描述,一般用一般现在时态,一般2—3句)。what is coveyed in the picture is much thought-provoking and has drawn much attention from the public.

the problem/phenomenon has caused many bad effects in many respects. it lead to the fact that+句子表示结果或影响1。展开说明1---2句。

and also,it does not good to+名词性短语,表示结果或影响2. 展开说明1---2句详述。finally ,it contribute much to the fact that +句子表示结果或影响3。


in conclusion, the problem/phenomenon should be given deep consideration. and at the same time , effective measures should be taken to deal with it. the government ,the public ,and even individuals has the responsibility to do something ,turning the problem/phenomenon for the better.

b) 非图类作文。

高度概括作文内容的名词性短语)has become a national conversation topic and has aroused much concern among the public.概括性的2---3句。

一、 问题或现象原因分析。

what lies behind the problem mentioned above is that+概括性句子(原因1).展开说明1---2句名词性短语,表示原因2)is another main contributor.展开说明1---2句。

and also名词性短语,表示原因3)countributes much to the problem. 展开说明1---2句。

二、 结果或影响的分析。

the problem/phenomenon has caused many bad effects in many respects. it lead to the fact that+句子表示结果或影响1。展开说明1---2句。

and also,it does not good to+名词性短语,表示结果或影响2. 展开说明1---2句详述。finally ,it contribute much to the fact that +句子表示结果或影响3。


in conclusion, the problem/phenomenon should be given deep consideration. and at the same time , effective measures should be taken to deal with it. the government ,the public ,and even individuals has the responsibility to do something ,turning the problem/phenomenon for the better.


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