
发布 2019-12-29 14:28:28 阅读 4622




1. i'll respond to your counter-offer by reducing our price bythree dollars.我同意你们的还价,减价3元。

2. if the price is higher than that, we'd rather call the wholedeal off.如果**比这还高,我们宁愿放弃这桩生意。

your level.我们不可能将**降到你方所要求的那样低。

4. we can't accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%.除非你们减价5%,否则我们无法接受报盘。

5. we make a counter-offer to you of $150 per metric ton 我们还价为每公吨伦敦离岸价150美元。

6. your counteroffer is too low and we can't accept it.你方还价太低了,我方无法接受。

7. i'm afraid i don't find your price competitive at all.我看你们的**毫无任何竞争性。


8.,there will be not much point in further discussion.如果你方坚持自己的**,不作让步,我们没有必要再谈下去了。

9. let's h**e your counter offer.请还个价。

10. still, i think it unwise for either of us to insist on hisown price.不过,我认为彼此都坚持自己的**是不明智的。

11. we think your offer is too high, which is difficult for usto accept.我们认为你方的**太高了,我方难以接受。

12. our offer is reasonable and realistic. it comes in line withthe prevailing market.



you’ll see that from our price sheet. the prices aresubject to our confirmation, naturally.


we offer you our best prices, at which we h**e done a lot businesswith other customers.



willyoupleasetellusthespecifications,quantityandpackingyouwant, so that we can work out the offer asap.

请告诉我们贵方对规格、数量及包装的要求,以便我方尽快制定出**。this is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only. is thereanything you are particularly interested in.


do you h**e specific request for packing? here are the samples ofpacking **ailable now, you may h**e a look.

你们对包装有什么特别要求吗?这是我们目前用的包装样品,你可以看下。i wonder if you h**e found that our specifications meet yourrequirements.

i’m sure the prices we submitted are competitive.不知道您认为我们的规格是否符合你的要求?我敢肯定我们的**是非常有竞争力的。

he**y enquiries witness the quality of our products.大量询盘证明我们的产品质量过硬。

we regret that the goods you inquire about are not **ailable.很遗憾,你们所询货物目前无货。

my offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.我的**以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。

moreover, we’ve kept the price close to the costs of production.再说,这已经把**压到生产费用的边缘了。

could you tell me which kind of payment terms you’ll choose?能否告知你们将采用那种付款方式?

would you accept delivery spread over a period of time?不知你们能不能接受在一段时间内分批交货?在双方谈判的过程中,一定要注意倾听对方的发言,如果对对方的观点表示了解,可以说:

i see what you mean.(我明白您的意思。)如果表示赞成,可以说:that's a good idea.(是个好主意。)或者说:

i agree with you.(我赞成。)

如果是有条件地接受,可以用on the condition that这个句型,例如:weacceptyourproposal,ontheconditionthatyouorder20,000units.(如果您订2万台,我们会接受您的建议。

)在与外商,尤其是欧美国家的商人谈判时,如果有不同意见,最好坦白地提出来而不要拐弯抹角,比如,表示无法赞同对方的意见时,可以说:i don't think that's a good idea.(我不认为那是个好主意。


frankly, we can't agree with your proposal.



we're not prepared to accept your proposal at this time.(我们这一次不准备接受你们的建议。)有时,还要讲明拒绝的理由,如。

tobequitehonest,wedon'tbelievethisproductwillsellverywellin china.



no, i'm afraidyou i wastrying to say was...不,恐怕你误解了。我想说的是……)或者说:

oh, i'm sorry, i misunderstood you. then i go along with you.(哦,对不起,我误解你了。那样的话,我同意你的观点。)



1.let’s get down to business, shall we?让我们开始谈生意好吗?

2.i’d like to tell you what i think about that.我想告诉你我的一些想法。

3.are those prices fob or cif?

这些**是船上交货价还是运费及保险费在内价?4.are these prices wholesale or retail?

这些**是批发价还是零售价?5.that’s too high.



6.oh, no, this is the lowest price.噢,不,这是最低价。

7.let us h**e your rock-bottom price.我们给你低价。

8.what’s the price range?**范围是多少?

9..它们以50元起价,至多到200元。10.the price is quite reasonable.这**相当合理。

11.the price is unreasonable.这**高得不合理。

12.can you make it a little cheaper?=can you come down a little?=can you reduce the price?


13.that sounds very impressive.那似乎非常好。

14.that sounds reasonable.那似乎非常好。

15.i’d like to hear your ideas on…我想听听你关于……的看法。




19.there’s one problem to be mentioned.有一个问题要提出来。

20.the price we quoted is quite good for your country.我们报的**相当适合贵国。

21.the price you quoted is a little stiff for exporting.你报的**对于出口而言,有点偏高。

22.your price is 15% higher than that of last year.你们的**比去年的高15%。

23.i think you misunderstood me on this point.在这一点上我想你是误会我了。

24.we’re in complete agreement.我们完全同意。

25.i can’t make a decision at this time.我无法现在做决定。

26. it’s not possible for us to make any salesat this price.



27.380 yuan is about as low as we can go.380元大约是我们能出的最低**。

28.i’m afraid i can’t agree with you there.恐怕我不能同意您出的**。

29.your price is higher than that of other companies.你方的**比其它公司的**要高。

30.but considering the high quality, our price is very reasonable.不过鉴于产品的优良质量,我们的**是非常合理。



讨价还价英语12句。商场上的讨价还价,单价差一毛,总账可能就差几千几万,所以讨价还价是商务活动中的重要环节。一个好的 既能让自己得到实惠,也能促进最后的成交。下面精选了12句还价口语,希望对大家有帮助。1.i ll respond to your counter offer by reducing ...


讨价还价英语12句。商场上的讨价还价,单价差一毛,总账可能就差几千几万,所以讨价还价是商务活动中的重要环节。一个好的 既能让自己得到实惠,也能促进最后的成交。下面精选了12句还价口语,希望对大家有帮助。respondtoyourcounter offerbyreducing ourpricebyth...


business is closed at this price.交易就按此价敲定。your price inacceptable unacceptable 你方 可以 不可以 接受。your price is feasible infeasible 你方 是可行 不可行 的。your price ...