中考英语作文2019中考英语作文 保护环境

发布 2019-12-28 20:03:28 阅读 1554




environmental protection, many people believe that must be a major isenvironmental protection, if you think so, you are completely mistaken.

以前我也一直认为环保必须是大事,可我现在明白了,环保要从小事做起,看到有垃圾在地上,不能不闻不问,要随手捡起来放进垃圾桶里。还有,不能够乱砍伐森林。i've always thought of environmental protection must be big, but iunderstand now, environmental protection must start from the minor matter, seelitter on the ground, can not turn a blind eye to pick it up, put it in thetrash.

also, can not be indiscriminate felling of forest...

你还不能将口痰吐在地上,要找好准确的地方才可以吐,如果你做到了这一点,那么你也做到了环保的表现啊!如果你能够随手捡起地上的纸张的话,也是一种环保的表现啊。you are not to spit on the ground, to find the exact place can spit out,if you do this, you also do environmental performance!

if you are able to pickup the *****, is also a kind of environmental performance...

所以,环保不一定说非要做大事才行啊!要从小事做起,从身边的事做起,这样,你不就成了环保心中的主人了吗?therefore, the environmental protection does not say to do it!

to startfrom the minor matter, starts from the side of things, so, you don'tbecome the owner of the green heart?



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