中考英语满分作文 关于旅游版本

发布 2019-12-28 13:54:28 阅读 3521

= 本文为word格式,**后可方便编辑和修改! =上个暑假,我和我的家人坐火车去了青岛。那里总是阳光明媚,空气也很清新,令人心情舒畅。





last summer vacation , my family and i went to qingdao by train . there was always sunshine and fresh air , which made us so comfortable . we went to the seaside , the sea was as blue as the sky , and bathing in the sunshine on the beach , was really an enjoyable thing .

i also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister . there we bought many interesting souvenirs , i was planing to send them to my friends . we ate many tings there , such as fish , prawn , and so on .

they are very delicious . then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel , and the price was not so expensive . i like qingdao very much , and if i got a chance , i hope to come here again , it is such a beautiful and interesting place .


亲情中考满分作文 一 童年 保姆。哇,好香呀!我放学回家,一进家门就闻到了一股炸鸡的味道,果不其然,桌子上摆着一碗黄澄澄 脆香香的炸鸡翅!我不由得奔过去,伸开五指山,捏起一个鸡翅就啃。从厨房里走出来的老妈看到我这副馋嘴的模样,真是又好气又好笑。急忙叫我去洗手,当她看到我的手指甲长得老长老长的,不禁嗔...


精品文档。关于中考满分作文范文。word文档,后可编辑修改 中考满分作文范文 害 群 之马,踢 又何妨?语文老师建微信群,目的是交流语文教学问题,是 交流 不是 掐架 是语文不是哲学 历史 社会问题 目的明确,若有人三番两次言辞龃龉,越界争论,就违反了 的初衷,破坏了群里的友好氛围,危害了群友的权益...


我爱你 侨声。期中考过了,五一也来了,应该正是轻松时,却不知道为什么整个人感觉好累,有些郁闷,有些无奈,又或许更多的是空虚。也许是习惯了学校的忙忙碌碌的生活了吧,才会在放假时突然感觉如此的不适 以前老是抱怨学校太怎么样了,却在这时突然发现 其实学校很可爱,让我不想离开。五年了,在同一所学校呆了五年了...