暑假英语作文 暑假旅游

发布 2019-12-28 13:05:28 阅读 6164


summer vacation, father, mother with my sister and i tr**elto dalian. the torrent of xinghai park adventure palace, butmy brother and i did!

sister with gusto and i sat on the exploration ship, began towalk forward. ship with forward the speed of the water,suddenly, the ship turned a corner, into a dark c**e, insidethe opaque, also sometimes sounded bats cry of terror. ourboat went up, there are seven or eight meters high, to thetop, and immediately swooping down, splash splashing four orfive meters high.

ship to move forward, down to the depths ofthe c**e, a faint light, countless glimmered behemoth. as theship approached, we were surprised to find that only turnsout to be many image lifelike dinosaurs. if don't watchcarefully, really want to jump.

these dinosaurs were gapingmaw, it looks terrible. speeds up the water, ****** a sharpturn, we came to "man the world", in the thick forest, cansee the figure of human ancestors alive. they sat down on thegrass, surrounded by a circle thing looks, some hanging inthe trees, there are several in the water wash a face to washfeet.

suddenly, a huge crab on the surface of the water,stood in our way. clever sister head a shrink, just can pass,i tried it also lowers the head, but no, i just squat down inthe bottom of the cabin, hey, really a success.

just by an obstacle, suddenly stopped flow, we h**e to becross with oars. my sister and i together, hard rowing, about20 minutes later, we arrived at the destination, the end ofthe stimulus, interesting adventure tourism.








暑假旅游作文 青岛旅游暑假里,小姑带着我和弟弟去青岛旅游。我们坐上火车,火车飞快的在铁轨上奔驰着,不一会儿,我们就来到了美丽的城市 青岛。我们又坐上了公共汽车,目的地就是栈桥在去栈桥的路上,我看到了一座座高楼大厦,它们粼次纸比的排列着,好漂亮呀!到了栈桥,小姑领着我和弟弟先到一个宾馆把带的东西放下,...


篇一 暑假旅游作文 暑假自个儿去旅游。近期都有同学组织暑假游玩队,特别是吴雅欣还要去旅游。三 四天。我既羡慕有从心眼里生出一个大胆的主意 我也要组织一个队伍。我已决定去宁波 上海 景德镇。确定一定能去的有我的俩哥和郭振庭。我每天都在想像去玩会发生什么事情,晚上兴奋得睡不着觉,有时,在考试时都不由自主...

