
发布 2019-12-28 11:18:28 阅读 7350


section ⅰ use of english


read the following text. choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark a, b, c or d on answer sheet 1. (10 points)

driving through snowstorm on icy roads for long distances is a most nerve-racking experience. it is a paradox that the snow, coming __1__ gently, blowing gleefully in a high wind, all the while __2__ down a treacherous carpet, freezes the windows,__3__ the view. the might of automated man is__4__ the horses, the powerful electrical systems, the deep-tread tires, all go __5__ nothing.

one minute the road feels __6__,and the next the driver is sliding over it, light as a__7__,in a panic, wondering what the he**y trailer trucks coming up__8__the rear are going to do. the trucks are like __9__ when you h**e to pass them, not at sixty or seventy __10__ you do when the road is dry, but at twenty-five and thirty. _11__ their engines sound unnaturally loud.

snow, slush and__12__ of ice spray from beneath the wheels, obscure the windshield, and rattle __13__your car. beneath the wheels there is plenty of __14__ for you to slide and get mashed to a pulp. inch __15__ inch you move up, past the rear wheels, the center wheels, the cab, the front wheels, all__16__too slowly by.

straight ahead you continue,__17__ to cut over sharply would send you into a slip,__18__in front of the vehicle. at last, there is__19__enough, and you creep back over, in front of the truck now, but__20__the sound of its engine still thundering in your ears.

1. [a] upb] offc] downd] on

2. [a] liesb] laysc] settles [d] sends

3. [a] blocks [b] strikes [c] puffsd] cancels

4. [a] muted [b] discovered [c] doubled [d] undervalued

5. [a] forb] withc] intod] from

6. [a] comfortable [b] weakc] riskyd] firm

7. [a] loaf [b] feather [c] leafd] fog

8. [a] beneath [b] fromc] under [d] beyond

9. [a] dwarfs [b] giantsc] patients [d] princesses

10. [a] what [b] sincec] asd] that

11. [a] sob] butc] ord] then

12. [a] flakes [b] flocksc] chipsd] cakes

13. [a] onto [b] againstc] offd] along

14. [a] snow [b] earthc] roomd] ice

15. [a] byb] afterc] ford] with

16. [a] climbing [b] crawling [c] winding [d] sliding

17. [a] meanwhile [b] unlessc] whereas [d] for

18. [a] sheer [b] mostlyc] rarelyd] right

19. [a] might [b] distance [c] aird] power

20. [a] with [b] likec] insided] upon




试题精解。1.[精解] 本题考查短语动词辨析。

空格处填入的副词与动词come搭配,其分词形式作后置定语,修饰限定主语the snow。come down指“(雨、雪等)落下,降落”,如:the rain came down in torrents.


come down也可意为“崩塌;(飞机)着陆;(**、温度、比例)下降;下垂,向下延伸”,如:the ceiling came down.(天花板塌了下来。

)gas is coming down in price.(煤气**在下降。)come up意为“破土而出;升起;即将发生”,如:

the daffodils are just beginning to come up.(水仙花刚开始破土发芽。)watch the sun come up(**日出)。

her birthday is coming up.(她的生日即将来临。)come off意为“能被去掉或除去;发生;(计划等)成功”,如:

that mark won’t come off.(那污点去不掉。)did the trip to korea come off?

(去韩国的事最后成了吗?)come on意为“改进,发展;开始”,如:the project is coming on fine.

(这项工程进展顺利。)i think there’s rain coming on.(我看要下雨了。

)2.[精解] 本题考查短语动词辨析。空格处填入的动词与down搭配,相当于及物动词,其主语是the snow,宾语是a treacherous carpet。

lie down意为“躺下”;lay down意为“放下;记下;拟定”,如:lay down the arms/the rules(放下**/制定规则);settle down意为“安下心来,定居”;send down只能接sb.作宾语,意为“判某人入狱”,如:

he was sent down for ten years for armed robbery.(他因持械抢劫被判入狱十年。)因此[b]符合文意,意为“(大雪)吹落(一块毯子)”。

3.[精解] 本题考查动词辨析。空格处填入的动词接the view作宾语,而且它与前面的2 down和freezes并列作谓语,其主语都是the snow。

作及物动词时,block意为“堵塞,阻塞”,如:to block the road(堵住了道路)。strike意为“撞击,打击,侵袭”,如:

the ship struck a rock.(船触礁了。)the area was struck by an outbreak of plague.

(这个地区爆发了瘟疫。)puff意为“吸,抽,喷”,如:to puff the cigar/smoke into sb.

’s faces(抽雪茄/把烟往别人脸上喷)。cancel意为“取消”。能够和the view搭配的只有[a]block,表示“挡住视线”。

4.[精解] 本题考查动词辨析。空格处填入的过去分词与is构成被动式的谓语,因此其动词的实际的宾语是the might(强大力量,威力)。

mute意为“消除或减弱声音;减弱,缓解”,如:mute the traffic noise/the criticism(减弱了车辆的噪音/委婉地提出批评)。discover意为“发现,发觉”;double意为“加倍”;undervalue意为“低估。

之价值,看轻”。因此[a]符合文意,它与the might搭配,表示“威力减弱”。

5.[精解] 本题考查固定短语。go for nothing相当于be in vain,意为“白费,毫无用处,毫无价值”。


6.[精解] 本题考查形容词辨析。feel是系动词,意为“摸起来,感觉起来”,它常与形容词构成系表结构,如:

the water feels warm.(这水摸起来很暖和。)本题中feel的主语是the road, 因此空格处的形容词应说明“道路”的特点。

四个选项都可以修饰事物,comfortable一般指“(衣服、家具等)使人舒服的”,如:the bed/these shoes are very comfortable.(这床/这双鞋子很舒服。

)weak意为“不牢固的,易损坏的”,如:the bridge is too weak to carry he**y traffic.(那座桥梁不太牢固,承受不住过多的车辆。

)weak也可指“微弱的,隐约的”,强调不容易被看到或听到,如:a weak light/sound(微弱的光线/声音)。risky意为“有危险或风险的”,如:

a risky investment(有风险的投资)。firm意为“坚固的,结实的,稳固的”,如:no building can stand without firm foundations.


7.[精解] 本题考查英语语言习惯。英语和汉语中都有大量的比喻形式。

有些比喻的喻体大不相同,如:spend money like water(挥金如土);有些则很相似,如:as firm as a rock(坚如磐石),as light as a feather(轻如鸿毛)。



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