
发布 2019-12-28 09:56:28 阅读 2671


may l introduce myself to you? =may l present myself to you?我能自我介绍一下吗?

my name is d**id smith.我是大卫·史密。

please call me d**id.


excuse me.i'm d**id smith.= excuse me. my name is d**id smith.打扰了,我叫大卫·史密斯。

my last name is smith.= my family name is smith.我的姓是史密斯。

how do you do? i'm jane.你好,我是简。

we are name sakes.我们俩同名同姓。

i come from beijing, china.我来自中国北京。

i've lived in america since l was born.=i've lived in america my whole life.我从一出生就住在美国了。

my nationality is chinese.=l h**e chinese nationality!我的国籍是中国。

anhui is my hometown.我的故乡是安徽。

my address is on l-on show street, beijing.我的地址是北京市昂秀街1号。

i live in the down town area.我住在市区。

my flat is near to the company.我的公寓就在公司附近。

it's only a 15-minute walk from my firm to the flat.从公司到我的公寓只需走15分钟。

i'm working as a teacher of english.我是个英语教师。

i'm in computers.= i'm working in it.我从事电脑工作。

there're three people in my family, my parents and me.我家有三口人,我的父母和我。

i h**e one elder brother and one younger sister.我有一个哥哥和一个妹妹。

i h**e a happy family.我有个幸福的家庭。

i'm faithful.我是个守信用的人。

i'm easy-going.我比较随和。

i hope i can be a friend to all of you.我希望我能成为你们的朋友。


hi,peter. h**e you met bob?彼得你好。你认识鲍勃吗?

i'll introduce you to everybody. =i'd like you to meet everybody. =let me introduceyou to everybody.


i' mr. brown.请允许我介绍布朗先生。

i'd like you to meet my friend jane.我想让你认识我的朋友简。

i don't think you met d**id, did you?你不认识大卫,是不是?

h**e i introduced you to d**id?我向你介绍过大卫吗?

i don't think you've met before.我想你们以前没有见过面。

this is jane, our monitor.这位是简,我们的班长。

i'm honored to present it's with great pleasure that l introduce you to


d**id, h**e you met jane before?大卫,你以前见过简吗?

i h**en't had the chance to meet him yet.我还没机会认识他。

mr. brown is in the insurance business.布朗先生在保险界工作。

i think you'll be good friends.我想你们会成为好朋友的。




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