2019英语口语8000句 In入时

发布 2019-12-27 18:26:28 阅读 4703

yang li : 大家好我是yang li,您现在收听的是authentic real...phew!

diarmuid : authentic real...english? li you sound out of breath. 地道美语……丽,你怎么上气不接下气?

yang li : yes diarmuid, i’ve just run all the way to the studio from a fashion show. it’s london fashion week.


diarmuid : oh yes, so it is. here you go, h**e a glass of water and catch your breath!


yang li : thank you. 谢谢。

diarmuid : now li. 现在,丽。

yang li : yes? 怎么了?

diarmuid : are you wearing a jacket with shoulder pads? 你穿了有垫肩的夹克了吗?

yang li : yes. 我穿的外套里有垫肩。

diarmuid : but, didn’t they go out of fashion ages ago? i didn’t know they were back in.


yang li : in what? 在什么?

diarmuid : in fashion. 入时。

yang li : i see. well yes, they are.

diarmuid 用了 in 这个词来表示 in fashion. 在英语里我们也经常会用 in 这个词来说什么东西或事情现在非常流行,入时。

diarmuid : yes, we can use it about things like clothes, hairstyles and music. 是的,我们能用这个词形容衣服,发型和**。


a : i like her shoes, but those jeans are awful. 我喜欢她的鞋子,但是这个牛仔裤好可怕。

b : what? high-waist jeans are so in right now. 什么?高腰裤现在正流行呢。

a : brian’s new haircut is great, isn’t it? 布莱恩的新发型很不错,对吗?

b : yes, pink hair is really in at the moment. 是的,粉色的头发现在正流行。

diarmuid : so what do you think about my flares? 你觉得我的喇叭裤怎么样?

yang li : hmmm, diarmuid 的喇叭裤——喇叭牛仔裤? sorry, they’re out of fashion now. 抱歉,他们已经不再流行。

diarmuid : really, they’re not in any more? 真的吗,它们不再流行了?

yang li : sorry, they went out in the 70s. 抱歉,早在70年代就不流行了。

diarmuid : oh. 哦。

yang li : but don’t worry, they’ll probably come back in a couple of years! 但是,别担心,未来几年可能会由流行起来。


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