
发布 2019-12-27 17:18:28 阅读 8253

getting up 起床用语。

1. it’s morning time. what a great day! 天亮了,天气真好。

2. wake up, boys and girls. it’s six twenty now.醒醒,孩子们。现在是六点二十分。

3. it’s time to get up. 该起床了。

4. change your clothes, please. 请换衣服。

5. put on your pants


6. do not forget to button up. 别忘了扣扣子。

7. be sure to flip down your collar. 看看领子翻好了没有。

8. roll up your sleeves, please. 卷好袖子。

9. do not wear your shoes on the wrong feet. 不要把鞋子穿错了。.

10. open the window and air the room. 开窗透气。

11. look in the mirror. 照镜子。

12. comb your hair. 梳头。

13. hurry up, boys and girls. 赶快,孩子们。

14. it’s time to make your bed. 该整理内务了。

15. tidy up your blanket. 整理毛痰(被子,衣服,枕头)。

16. put away your sandals, boys and girls. 放好凉鞋,孩子们。

washing 洗漱用语。

1. it’s time to brush your teeth now. 现在该刷牙了。

2. slowly, like this. 慢点,就这样。

3. rinse your mouth and don’t swallow the water. 漱口,不要把水吞了。

4. wash your face, your eyes, nose, ears and your neck.


5. don’t get your clothes wet. bend your waist. 不要把衣服弄湿了。

6. use some soap, your hands are dirty. 用肥皂洗,你的手很脏。

7. wring out your towel after you use it. 用完毛巾后,拧干毛巾。

8. put everything in order. put up the towel. 有顺序地放好东西。挂好毛巾。

9. don’t forget to flush the toilet after use. 用完厕所,不要忘了冲。

10. pull up your pants. 拉好裤子。

curricular activities 晨炼用语。

1. line up, boys and girls. 排队。

2. four lines. follow me, please. 排四队,跟我来。

3. attention! 立正。

4. eyes front! ready, front! 向前看。

5. hand in hand. 手拉手。

6. march time. march! 原地踏步,走。

7. left, right, left. 一二一。


let's cook dinner! 让我们做晚饭吧!

what will we make? 我们做什么好呢?

let's make pizza and salad. 我们就做比萨和沙拉吧。

how nice! pizza and salad for dinner. 太好了,晚上吃比萨和沙拉。

let's make some more. 我们再做一些吧。

what should i make for dinner? 晚饭做什么好呢?

mom, what are we going to make tonight?妈妈,我们今晚要做什么菜?

curry and rice. what do you think? 咖喱饭。你觉得呢?

that sounds nice. i can peel the potatoes first.


really! oh, honey, you are so sweet. i'll chop up this carrot.


is breakfast ready? 早餐做好了吗?

i'm cooking. 我在做呢。

yes, it is. 做好了。

not yet. 还没呢。

how soon can you get it ready? 还要多久才能做好呀?

how soon will it be done? 还要多久才能做好呀?

i'll be ready in a few minutes. 再过几分钟就好了。

in about five more minutes. 再有5分钟吧。

how's it going, mom? 饭做得怎么样了,妈妈?

just great. almost done. 好了。快做完了。

you can eat just as soon as this soup cools down.


i'd like to taste it now. 我想现在尝一尝。

you can't taste it yet. 你还不能尝。

i would let you ,but it is not ready yet.我会让你尝,但现在还没好呢。

why not? 为什么不能?

it's still missing something. 还缺东西呢!

i can't wait! 我等不及了!

isn't it ready yet? 还没好么?

this knife cuts well, doesn't it? 这刀挺好使的,是不是?

it sure does. 真挺快的。

the water is boiling! 水开啦!

honey,just turn down the stove. 亲爱的,把煤气炉调小就好。

heat the milk by yourself, i will fry an egg for you.


what's that smell? 这是什么味儿?

oh, no! something's burning. 噢,不好!是什么糊了吧。

a little spring onion and it will be just right! 加点葱味道就好了!

it's no use! 没用的!


一、wash up, it's time to eat. 洗洗手,该吃饭了。

time for lunch. 该吃午饭了。

come and get it! 开饭啦!

i'm coming. 这就来啦!

i'll be right there. 我马上就去。

finally. 终于吃饭喽!

breakfast (lunch/supper)is ready! 饭好了!

hurry up. we're already begun our breakfast.

快点, 我们已经开早饭了。

we've been expecting you! 我们正等你。

would you help me set the table? 你能帮我准备餐具吗?

i'd be happy to. 乐意之至。

i'm happy to do it. 我非常乐意呢。

it's my pleasure. 那是我的荣幸。

help me set the table. 你收拾一下桌子。

put bowls and chopsticks on the table. 摆一下碗筷。

add rice please. 再把米饭盛出来。

hand out the chopsticks(the plates). 放筷子(盘子)。

come sit at the table. 过来坐在桌旁。

take a seat please, make yourself at home. 请坐,随便一点。

help yourself. 你自己吃/别客气。

please go ahead. 请先吃吧。

please (help) yourself. 请先吃吧。

let's eat. 我吃了啊。

shall we begin? 可以吃了吗?

二、i'm home. 我回来了。

welcome home. 你回来了。

did you h**e a good time? 今天过得愉快吗?

how did it go today? 今天怎么样?

how was school today? 今天在学校过得如何?

it was great! i made some friends. 很棒啊!我交了一些朋友。

can i go out to play? 我可以出去玩儿会儿吗?

of course, off you go. 当然可以,去吧!

i'm going to cram school now. 我去补习学校了啊。

i'm tired. 真累啊!

i'm exhausted. 我精疲力尽了。

it's good to be home. 还是家好哇。

二、washing your hands 洗手。

wash your hands before dinner. 吃饭前先洗手。

wait a minute please, mommy will get the water and soap for you.


幼儿最常用英语口语120句 附录音 幼儿常用英语口语120句,包含问好 夸奖 致歉 用餐 活动 排队 生病及其用语,比较适用生活及幼儿园场景。资源 于网络,更改了一些错误,并做了一些删减和调整。文件已配音频,可供宝宝练习时使用。一 问好1.good morning 早上好!2.good aftern...


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