
发布 2019-12-27 15:11:28 阅读 6914

1. 我是司钻,你是钻工。i’m a driller. you are a roughneck.

2.我们是钻工,你们是机工。we're fioormen. you are motormen.

3.你不是技师。you are not a tool pusher.

4.你们不是司机。you are not motormem.

5.他不在钻台上。he is not on the drill f1oor.

6.他们在泥浆罐上。they are on the mud tank.

7.你是技术员吗? 是的,我是。are you a technician? yes, i am.

8.你们是工程师吗? 不, 我们不是。are you engineers? n0, we are not.

9.这是什么? what is this?

10.这是一个喷射式钻头。this is a jet bit.

11.这些是什么? what are these?

12.这些是接头和配合接头(大小头)。these are subs and x-overs(crossovers)

13.那些是什么? what are those?

14.那些是提升短节。those are lift subs.

15.这是卡瓦,对吗?it is a slip, isn't it?

16.那些是安全卡瓦和吊卡,对吧? those are safety slips and elevators, aren’t they?

17.他们是干什么的? what are they?

18.他们是我们的领导和参观人员。they are our leaders and visitors.

19.这个技师的名字叫刘林。the name of the tool pusher is liulin.

20.这些不是这个电机的开关。these are not the switches

二 、主-系一表句型。

21.我不是这个队的司钻。i’m not a driller of this crew.

22.他是泥浆工程师吗? is he a mud engineer?

23.他是定向工程师,对不对? he is a directional engineer, isn't he?

24.他是干什么的? what is he?

25.他是钻井工程师。he is a drilling engineer.

26.他是副司钻,不是司钻。he is an assistant driller. he is not a driller.

27.钻头在钻台上吗? is the bit on the drill floor?

28.吊车在井场吗? is the crane on the location?

29.我们都是这个队的钻工。we are all roughnecks of this crew.

30.这不是一口生产井。this is not a production well.


一、工作第二。the first is safety, the second is work.

32.钻杆长、接头短。the pipe is long,he sub is short.

33.中**田是个大油田。zhongyuan oilfield is a large oilfield.

34.面积大,油层厚。the area is large. the oil formations are thick.

35.井深而地层复杂。the wells are deep. the formations are complicated.

36.**储量大,产量高。the crude oi1 reserve is great. the output is high.

37.油的粘度是400到1500厘泊。the viscosity of the oil is from 400 to 1500cp(centipoise).

38.碳和氢是化学元素。carbon and hydrogen are chemical elements.

39.在常温下碳是固体,而氢是很轻的气体。carbon is a solid at ordinary temperature.

hydrogen is a very 1ight gas.

40.石油一般是液体,有时是液气混合物。 petroleum is usually in the form of a 1iquid, sometimes it is s mixture of liquid and the natural gas.

三、主- 谓-(宾)句型。




the oil workers are drilling wells.


he works in a drilling crew.


we start work at 12:00 every day.


they go to work by bus every day.


we all drill wells in this area.


we go to the well site every day.


he does this work every day afternoon.

48.我在这个队当司钻。i work as a driller in this crew.

49.丹·约翰逊先生教我们定向技术。mr. dan johnson teaches us directional technique.

50.他每天第一个到井场。he gets to the wellsite first crew every day.

51.我们在离开井场之前,把一切都收拾好。we get everything in order before we le**e the location.

52.他们每天都用这些井口工具。they use these tools everyday.

53.我们做了两个接头。we made two subs.

54.昨天他从机厂取回了试压泵。yesterday he took back from machine shop.

55.今天早上这个钻工冲洗了钻台。this roughneck washed and cleaned drill floor this morning.

56.我们下午修了这台泵。we repaired the mud pump this afternoon.

57.昨天这个架工保养了天车和游动滑车。the derrickman lubricated crown and tr**elling block yesterday.

58.我们经常保养钻机(绞车)。we lubricate rig (drawworks) very often.

59.司钻每班检查水刹车。the drillers check hydraulic brake block often every tour.

60.他教我扶刹把。he teaches me to operate brae bar.

四、there be句型。



what is there on the drillfloor.


there are three bits on the drillfloor.


there is a tractor on the location.

64 .这里没有开关。there are no switches here.(there are not any switches here.)

65.工具房里有公锥吗? is there any taper tap in the house?

66.这个队有多少人? how many people are there in this crew?

67.一共有85个人。there are eighty-five people altogether.

68.这个班有几个钻工和机工? how many roughnecks and motormen are there in this shift?

69.有8个钻工和4个机工。there are eight roughnecks and four motormen.

70.钻台上有几只大钳? how many tongs are there on the drillfloor?

71.有三只,一只内钳,一只外钳和一个液压大钳。there are three.

one is a lead tong, another is a back-up tong. the third one is a hydraulic tong.

72.井架上有多少个灯? how many lights are there on the derrick?

73.一共有三十个。there are thirty lights altogether.

74.井场上有卡车吗? is there any truck on the wellsite?


一 主 系 表句型 一 主 系 表句型是英语中最常用的句型之一,其结构是 主语 系词 表语。主要用来表示某人或某物是什么,处在什么状态或是什么样子。句中的系词be要根据主语的人称而变化。第一人称单数用am was 第三人称单数用is was 其它人称都用are或 were。如果把系词be放在主语前边...


1.i see 我明白了130.i beg your pardon?请您再说一遍 我没有听清。2.i quit 我不干了131.i ll be back soon 我马上回来。3.let go 放手132.i ll check it out 我去查查看。4.me too 我也是133.it s a ...


口语1000句。257.she s under the weather.她心情不好。258.the child sobbed sadly.小孩伤心地抽泣着。259.the rumor had no basis.那谣言没有根据。260.they praised him highly.他们大大地表扬了他...