
发布 2019-12-27 10:48:28 阅读 4993

1 i look at the clock. 我看看时钟。

2 i hear the alarm. 我听到闹钟表响。

3 i wake up at 7 我早上七点钟醒来。

4 i never get up early. 我从来没有早起过。

5 i yawn and stretch. 我打呵欠伸懒腰。

6 i've overslept. 我睡过头了。

7 i h**e a hangover. 我因宿醉而不舒服。

8 i make the bed. 我整理床铺。

9 i fold up my bedding. 我叠棉被。

10 the clock is slow. 时钟慢了。

11 the cat meows in my ears. 猎在我耳边叫。

12 it's time to wake up. 该起床了。

13 it's still dark out. 外面还很暗。

14 it was hot last night. 昨晚好热。

15 i head downstairs for breakfast. 我到楼下吃早餐。

16 i wander into the kitchen. 我信步走进厨房。

17 i get the milk out of the refrigerator. 我从冰箱里取出牛奶。

18 i make an egg sunny-side up. 我煎一个单面煎的荷包蛋。

19 i clear away the dirty dishes. 我收拾脏的碗碟。

20 my son spilled some coffee on his shirt. 我儿子溅了一些咖啡在衬衫上。

21 i go to work early in the morning. 我早上很早就去上班。

22 i w**e to my wife and child. 我向我太太和孩子挥手。

23 i cross at the crosswalk. 我穿过人行道。

24 the signal turns green. 信号灯转为绿灯了。

25 a station wagon is passing me. 有一部旅馆行车与我擦身而过。

26 the railroad barrier won't go up. 铁道平交道口的栅栏没有上去。

27 i push the elevator button. 我按电梯按钮。

28 i say hello to my boss. 我向上司打招呼。

29 i change into uniform. 我换上**。

30 the umbrella stand is full of wet umbrella 雨伞架上满是湿雨伞。

31 i put the documents in order. 我整理文件。

32 i punch holes in the documents. 我在文件上打字。

33 some important documents are missing. 有一些重要的文件不见了。

34 i cut out news***** articies. 我剪报纸上的文章。

35 i issue a pay slip. 我分发工资条。

36 i transfer a call to my boss. 我把**传给上司。

37 the connection is bad. **接触不良。

38 i submit a request for vacation time. 我提出休假申请。

39 i go on a business trip. 我去出差。

40 my bonus is small this year. 我今年的奖金很少。

1. you make me sick ! 你真让我恶心!

2. don't talk to me like that ! 别那样和我说话!

3. who do you think you are ? 你以为你是谁?

4. what's your problem? 你怎么回事啊?

5. i don't want to see your face ! 我不愿再见到你!

6. are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?

7. knock it off. 少来这一套。

8. get out of my face ! 从我面前消失!

9. le**e me alone. 走开。

10. take a hike. 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。

11. it's none of your business! 关你屁事!

12. how dare you ! 你敢!

13. cut it out. 省省吧。

14 i'm fed up. 我厌倦了。

15. i can't take it anymore ! 我受不了了!

16. what were you thinking ? 你脑子进水啊?


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